t h i r t y - f o u r

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Jisung was laying on the bed, scrolling through his phone. "Where is he? I'm bored out of my mind." He groaned out

Jisung then heard the door open which instantly got him on his feet. Minho walked inside with Jisung standing in front of him which startled him.

"Where were you? I was bored." Jisung asked

"I went out to get some food, here I got some for you too." Minho said handing Jisung the bag

Jisung jumped out of joy, "I hate you less now." He said before running towards the table to eat

Minho chuckled, "What were you doing while I was gone?"

"Nothing much, just scrolled through my phone." Jisung replied while stuffing food in his mouth

Minho sat next to Jisung slightly admiring him, and the way his cheeks got puffy as he ate. He blinked a few times before clearing his throat. "Just to be clear, you're sleeping on the couch." He then said

Jisung looked up at Minho then back at the food, "Deal." He spoke

Minho nodded before getting up to watch some TV. 'I've been single for a while, that's why I'm having these thoughts. Yes that has to be it.' Minho thought to himself

On the other side...

Hyunjin and Felix walked out of the building, now waiting for their ride back to the hotel they were staying at.

Felix brushed his fingers through his hair out of a small frustration. "Seriously, how do you do this crap? I'm exhausted, craving food, dehydrated and sleepy." Felix complained

Hyunjin looked over at Felix, a smile appearing on his face.

"Why are you smiling?" Felix asked

"You look cute when you're grumpy. This is my first time seeing you like that." Hyunjin said ruffling Felix's hair

Felix blushed while looking away, "How do you always have a good way with words?"

"I just say what I think." Hyunjin replied before looking at his phone, "We have a party to attend now."

Felix locked eyes with Hyunjin with his jaw hanging in the air. "Are you kidding me?!"

Hyunjin nervously chuckled, "I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you because I've also forgotten about it. The calendar on my phone just reminded me of it."

Felix waved his hand indicating that he wasn't up for it. "No, I can't do no more than what I already have. You'll be going on your own."

"I promise this is the last task for today." Hyunjin replied

"Babe, keyword: for today." Felix said resting his hand on Hyunjins shoulder "I'm not going, I need some rest too."

"And if I call Jisung to come with us?" Hyunjin suggested

"There's no way you will get that man to come to a party. He's the biggest introvert out there, no God can convince him to go." Felix stated

"Felix, I'm asking you. Would you come along with me if he was there?"

Felix took a moment to think about it before nodding. "It would be fun to have Jisung there."

"Give me a minute." Hyunjin said dialing Jisungs number


"Hello?" Jisung answered

"Hello there Jisung, are you busy?"

Jisung looked around the room and at Minho before saying: "Not at the moment, why?"

"That's good news, would you mind tagging along with us to a party?" Hyunjin asked

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