f o r t y - t h r e e

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Hyunjin drove Felix off to his apartment, where they parted ways. Both of them felt exhausted from work and wanted some time for themselves. Neither of them found anything bad in that so they both left each other's side with a smile, excited to see each other the day after.

Felix walked up the stairs and was now standing in front of his apartment looking for his keys in his bag. That's when the door swung open, revealing a joyful Young-seo. "You're finally here Lixie!" She said

Felix jumped back slightly as he was startled by the sudden surprise but his expression changed quickly upon seeing Young-seo. He smiled saying: "I'm glad to see you Young-seo."

"Come on in, I brought us some pizza we can enjoy and, I've found this amazing movie on Netflix. I'm sure you'll like it!" Young-seo said as she dragged Felix inside

"And if you're feeling tired, I've already gotten some blankets ready."

"You've really come prepared." Felix chuckled "What's the occasion?"

"Oh nothing, I just missed hanging out with you. So, what are we waiting for?" Young-seo chuckled pulling Felix onto the couch as she turned on the movie

The room was filled with laughter, neither of them bothering about the time passing by rather quickly. When all of a sudden Felix's phone buzzed, which he picked up immediately.

"Who is it?" Young-seo asked noticing the proud smile on Felix's face

Dear Felix Lee,

We're sending you this email as an invitation to Author H.JS's second book promotion, taking place on Friday at 02:00 PM in ******** Gallery. We await your arrival in hopes you'll enjoy the content of the event. Thank you in advance,

****** Agency .

"Seriously, what are you hiding?" Young-seo glanced over at Felix's phone screen immediately reading through the email "Wow your friend is really talented..." She said

"That's Jisung for you, always working from behind the scenes. You never know what he's up to, that man is a true workaholic. I could never." Felix said

"True, you couldn't. You stress over the tiniest things."

"Says you who almost burned her hand twice because of an event she was invited to."

"Not fair!" Young-seo chuckled

(Time skip) The next morning at the Golden Hotel.

Hyunjin was late to work, which was unusual for him. Felix felt slightly worried though he refrained from panicking.

"Why's he late?" Felix said out loud

That's when he heard two people talking from outside the office door before it swung open.

"So I was thinking if we set up the area for the upcoming event with a more colorful theme, that it would bribe newcomers into visiting. After all, you're an artist yourself Hyunjin. I'm sure this is the perfect chance for your talent to shine." Chan said

"You are right about that, I'll give it some thought. Adding some of my paintings wouldn't be a bad idea." Hyunjin said walking up behind Chan

"We're getting somewhere." Chan chuckled "You're usually stubborn, I'm surprised you're actually listening to me."

Hyunjin chuckled, "I've got to listen to my hyung sometimes."

Chan patted Hyunjins back, that's where he noticed Felix staring at the two of them. "I think someone here has questions for you." Chan winked at Hyunjin before leaving the office

"You're late." Felix said "Why didn't you tell me you'd be with Chan?"

"Sorry about that, it wasn't a scheduled meeting so it came out of nowhere. Did you wait for too long?" Hyunjin replied

"Nope, I've gotten here about ten minutes ago. But what's this event you guys talked about?"

"They hold an anniversary for me becoming the CEO each year. I kind of think it's unnecessary but it's not something Chan will accept."

Felix's eyes widened, "It's that important and you didn't tell me?! When is it, what should I wear?"

Hyunjin chuckled, "It's in three weeks. Don't worry you have plenty of time to think about your outfit. The theme is not decided yet but they gave out a few ideas at the meeting."

"Interesting, that's how it works every year?"

Hyunjin nodded, "They firstly ask me what I'd like though my answer is always the same. That I don't want anything but they never accept that so they give out ideas until one catches my eye. Same thing happened this morning, Chan gave out the idea of the theme being based on the impressionism art style."

"Impressionism?" Felix questioned

"Impressionism is based off of the practice of painting out of doors and spontaneously 'on the spot' rather than in a studio from sketches. Artists usually paint landscapes or scenes of everyday life in that art style. Kind of alike Van Gogh's art but I'm unsure if he counts as an impressionism artist." Hyunjin explained

"I'm not sure if I understood a single thing but it sounds interesting. I'm excited to see. Will your paintings be there?" Felix asked

Hyunjin scratched the back of his neck, "I'm not sure about that either, it's not something I'll have time for. I just paint whatever I feel like is right in that moment."

"But you're amazing at it! It would be a shame for your art not to be there, it's *your* anniversary remember?"

"You're praising me too much." Hyunjin chuckled "Do we have a lot of work for today?"

"Surprisingly no, we'll be finished in a few hours."

Hyunjin exhaled in relief, "Thankfully, I wasn't in the mood to work all day."


Author J

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