f i f t y - f o u r

438 21 3

Jisung and Minho's ride home was quiet, both of them being lost in thought, processing the situation that's about to come. Minho's hands gripped onto the steering wheel, while Jisungs rested against his thighs, rubbing circles every now and then to calm his nerves down.

Both Minho and Jisung wanted to start a conversation but failed each time, unable to think of a topic that could calm down the tension within. Once Minho made the final turn and parked the car, he let out a small sigh before opening the door for himself to get out.

Jisung was spacing out during that time, reminiscing over the street view which was something he won't be seeing in a long while. Minho opened the door for Jisung, startling Jisung slightly. He was never fond of loud noises nor surprises. "Jisung-ah, can you walk out on your own?"

"I can, just give me a moment. Sorry Min." Jisung said quietly

Minho nodded, offering his hand to Jisung. Jisung smiled and took Minho's hand, finally getting out of the car. "You look tired." Minho said "Want me to pack your luggage so you can sleep?" He offered

"That's too much work for you, but I'd like some help."

Minho hummed, looking back at the ground whilst holding onto Jisungs hand.

Jisung looked over at Minho, letting a chuckle slip out. "It's rare to see you pouting like that, cute."

"I guess it is." Minho smiled back

"Would you look at that, we're here already." Jisung gestured at the door to his apartment

Jisung walked in first after opening the door, taking his shoes off and throwing them wherever, rushing towards his bedroom. Minho looked around Jisungs apartment, admiring how organized it was. It was almost impossible to spot one misplaced object in his apartment other than the shoes he just threw a moment ago.

"Min, here are the keys to my apartment. Please take care of it while I'm away." Jisung said, placing the keys in Minho's pocket

He then rushed back to finish packing his luggage, which took longer than expected. Minho helped out as much as he could before both of them plopped on the couch.

"I'm too tired to move." Jisung said

Minho turned towards Jisung, he smiled fondly whilst locking eyes with Jisung. "I'm going to miss you." He spoke quietly

"I'll miss you too, my love." Jisung said, taking Minho's hand in his "Think of it this way, once I come back I'll be an even better version of myself. Perhaps, a little distance wouldn't be so bad either. I've heard people say that love becomes even stronger."

"Then I'll just fall in love with you all over again, hm?" Minho giggled "You're cute when you ramble."

Jisung squinted his eyes, "Gee thanks for telling me I ramble."

Minho laughed, pinching Jisungs cheek. "I'm messing with you."

"I can tell." Jisung nodded "You always do that."

Minho got on top of Jisung, with a sly smirk on his face. "Are you sulking?"

"No, what makes you think that?" Jisung said looking away

"I'm over here." Minho said as he moved over to look Jisung in the eyes

"I think there's some wine in the fridge." Jisung spoke out of nowhere

Minho furrowed his eyebrows, "What are you suggesting Sungie?"

"You said yourself that you'd miss me, so why not spend the night together?"

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