t h i r t y - e i g h t

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All four of them met up at the exit to Disneyland about an hour later, sharing their insights as they headed back home. Felix immediately got into bed the moment he made it inside the hotel room he shared with Hyunjin. While Hyunjin stayed up late to finish a few tasks he had previously left behind.

Minho and Jisung went to sleep once they arrived at their room, even though Jisung had fallen asleep on the couch Minho had moved him to the bed and slept on the couch instead.

The next morning, the four of them packed their luggage and headed towards the airport where they would depart with France. They arrived at the airport at 9am, being too tired to exchange any words they shared a few smiles before making it onto their flight.

A week later.

During the past few days of their return, Minho had suffered from jetlag while Jisung seemed to be fine. Still finishing all of his work on time, while Minho struggled to keep his eyes open. This continued for a week until the present time, in which Minho had finally gotten a good night sleep and wasn't as grumpy as he used to be.

"Jisung, did you finish the papers as requested?" Minho asked the moment he had entered the office

"Sir, it'll take me about half an hour to complete the entire task. However, I had managed to do more than a half." Jisung answered

"Alright, take no longer than an hour. You have to deliver these to Mrs. Kim for further analysis." Minho replied taking a seat at his desk

"Um... Mind telling me where I can find Mrs. Kim?" Jisung asked

Minho looked over at Jisung, keeping eye contact for a short while before saying: "You've been working here for almost a year and you don't know where Mrs. Kim is?"

Jisung nervously chuckled, "I've never been near her to know."

Minho sighed, "Jisung... Your orientation is even worse than I thought. We've passed her office more than five times this month. It's next to Hyunjins office, on the right."

"It's not left?" Jisung joked

"Just bring her the papers please." Minho said while giving up on the conversation

Jisung chuckled, "Relax grumpy cat. I'm just joking."

"Grumpy cat...?" Minho questioned

"Yep, you should see the way you resembled one just a moment ago. I was getting prepared for you to hiss at me or something." Jisung laughed

"Wanna see how grumpy I can get if you don't turn your work in by forty minutes?" Minho said

"Forty?! Didn't you say I had an hour?!" Jisung asked

"Plan's changed, I've gotten grumpy." Minho said sarcastically

"Jeez you're such a hassle!" Jisung said while opening his laptop quickly

"Says the hassle." Minho mumbled


Hyunjin and Felix haven't talked much this morning, they were both piled up with work and papers. Felix was organizing plans for Hyunjins schedule while Hyunjin was busy with the hotel's sales and service.

A few hours had passed and lunch time had arrived, neither of them realizing the alarm that was ringing on Felix's phone indicating that it was time for a break. He's had this alarm ever since he first started working since Felix wasn't the type to remember easily.

Hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows, squinting his eyes in the process. "Felix, can you please turn your alarm off it's distracting me?"

Felix jolted up in surprise before turning it off immediately. "I'm sorry about that! Please continue what you were doing."

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