【That's not right. 】The system searched for the original text, 【It was never mentioned, it was not mentioned at all in the text. 】

After hearing what the system said, Miao Zhen suppressed his ridiculous thoughts.

He just kept thinking about it randomly, and fell asleep without knowing when.

Not long after, he vaguely heard a small sound. Because I had just started working and didn't have much money. The condition of the house Su Chengye rented was not very good either. You could always hear residents stamping their feet and shouting and using voice-activated lights in the corridor. The dogs raised by the tenants upstairs also barked once or twice.

Although he was woken up by the sound, Miao Zhen didn't pay too much attention. But at this moment, he suddenly felt someone watching him.

Years of practicing martial arts and traveling around the world have made him extremely sensitive to sight. He opened his eyes suddenly, ready to explode at any moment.

When he used the light outside the window to see the person in front of him clearly, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Su Chengye was standing next to the sofa, looking at him with dull eyes.

Miao Zhen soon realized that the other party might not be awake yet.

When he was still a monk, there was a hunter in the village at the foot of the mountain who also sleepwalked. His wife was shocked at that time, and everyone in the village thought he was possessed by an evil spirit. We also went up the mountain to find a monk to chant sutras and practices, and the fuss lasted for a long time, but finally it was settled.

He wanted to contact the system to ask what the reason was, but after calling, he only heard the system's automatic reply, "The system is resting. If necessary, you can use the emergency call. System 5210 will serve you wholeheartedly." 】

It was not an extremely urgent matter, so Miao Zhen did not disturb the system's sleep.

Being stared at like this, even if he knew he was sleepwalking, Miao Zhen couldn't continue to sleep, so he simply stood up and sat upright, and began to recite scriptures silently in his heart.

When he was about to recite the Lotus Sutra of Wonderful Dharma again, Su Chengye suddenly started to move.

He walked to the bathroom and stood there for a while, then walked to the dining table and took a sip of the water placed on it. Then, under Miao Zhen's gaze, he walked to the bedroom door and began to turn the door handle, as if preparing to enter.

However, the door had been locked by Chu Siyao from the inside a long time ago, so naturally it couldn't be opened just by turning the door handle.

Su Chengye didn't leave either. He just stood in front of the door and kept turning the door handle.

No matter what Miao Zhen thought, he felt that this would disturb Chu Siyao in the room. He wanted to stop Su Cheng Ye, but he didn't know what the situation was and was afraid that he would hurt Su Cheng Ye if he stepped forward rashly.

He sighed sadly and had no choice but to come to the bedroom door, thinking that if something went wrong, he could rescue him in time.

When the clock in the living room reached three o'clock, Su Chengye returned to the floor and lay down to sleep again.

Not long after, Miao Zhen heard Chu Siyao's tiny whimpering with fear coming from the bedroom.

Although Miao Zhen wanted to comfort her, it was inconvenient for him to go there now.

He sighed, covered Su Chengye's quilt again, returned to the sofa and fell asleep again.

When she woke up the next day, Chu Siyao had sneaked away.

Maybe it was because of some trouble in the middle of the night, plus I was used to the sound of stomping feet and slamming doors in the corridor from time to time. Miao Zhen was sleeping deeply and did not hear the sound of her leaving.

Su Chengye woke up earlier than him and is now cooking dumplings.

His expression was slightly sarcastic, and he didn't seem to like Chu Siyao's leaving without saying goodbye.

Miao Zhen helped him put away the quilt on the ground, said good morning to the system who was typing the code, and told him what happened last night.

The system was a little confused, so it pulled up the original text and looked at it again, and replied with certainty: [In the original text, he did not have the habit of sleepwalking. The heroine has stayed at his house twice, and there was nothing abnormal. 】

It turned out that this weird situation was called sleepwalking. Miao Zhen nodded silently, turned on his phone and searched for a while, hoping to learn more.

After a while, he put down the phone worriedly. Adults rarely sleepwalk. This may be due to excessive stress, mental stress, or genetics.

Miao Zhen personally tends to suffer from too much mental pressure. Su Chengye was a smart but honest person who followed the rules in his previous life. If anything, he was also a good teacher with a strong sense of responsibility.

Suddenly, life encountered such a big setback. After rebirth, all he could think about was illegal and unruly things. On the one hand, he had to do bad things without conscience and make plans, and on the other hand, he had to worry about the grades of individual students. It is normal to experience high levels of mental stress.

It happened to be the National Day some time later, so I took both the male and female protagonists directly to the hospital, one was admitted to the neurology department and the other to the psychiatry department.

While Miao Zhen was searching for a suitable hospital on the Internet, she hoped that the two of them would be cured by the medicine, get rid of the pain and torture as soon as possible, and become positive, lively and cheerful again.

What he thought was beautiful, and the system on the other side responded.

[This is wrong. Let's not talk about why you, a monk, believe in science so much. The male protagonist is temporarily put aside. If the female protagonist's problem of not being able to hit a fart with a stick is really cured, how can she still follow the original plot! 】

Miao Zhen shook his head and said: "Fifth Donor is worrying too much. In the eyes of people who hate her, even if Chu Siyao gets better, they can still find her new shortcomings." Her situation will not change much because of her change. Don't worry, Xiaoseng will try his best to let her go through the plot without affecting your work, but at the same time, I, Xiaoseng, want to help her get out of the predicament. '

[Please beanbag, why are you saving her? Isn't the mission to save the black male protagonist? 】

After hearing what the system said, Miao Zhen smiled and said, "Help her and you are helping Su Chengye." '

The system endured it for a while, but still couldn't help it and said: [Actually, I still think that the female protagonist is more difficult to deal with than the male protagonist. 】

Miao Zhen was strangely silent for a few seconds, then smiled and said: "The young monk thinks that Almsgiver Chu is also quite good." '

[You lied, I heard it! 】

'Monks do not lie. '

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