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The system discovered that since killing Su Zibai with the monster card.

Its host is in a state of depression for a long time.

This state has lasted for two days, and Miao Zhen has lost weight visibly.

Of course, it could also be because there was only nutrient solution in the spacecraft, and Miao Zhen couldn't get used to it.

The system had nothing to do with him, so it just let him go.

After Su Zibai died, the world without players continued to operate as usual.

After the main mission is completed, the system submits an application to leave the world to the superior.

Be warned not to neglect your job again.

The system came back to warn Miao Zhen not to indulge in mini games anymore.

Then go to the window to queue up and go through the checkout procedures.

It will take almost three years to reach them.

Miao Zhen can still stay in this world for three years.

Even if you are idle, it is better to play small programs together. Miao Zhen was still thinking about improving the Virgin Mary's bitch value, but did not find an opportunity.

Because he is currently the only living person in this vast universe.

In addition to task completion notifications, they also receive emails from the mini program.

[Activate a new clue chain: artificial man, 1/3]

This clue was extracted from Su Zibai's words. The CG that appeared after unlocking was a morning news video.

[Through technological means, create new species that are no different from ordinary people. They are neither purely human nor completely mechanical creatures, they are bionic artificial beings. It has not yet been determined whether bionic artificial humans have independent ideology and whether they can be defined as human beings. There is still controversy in the academic community. But it is undeniable that the large-scale application of bionic artificial humans has effectively solved social problems such as labor difficulties. 】

The video finished playing, and then a message popped up.

[Hidden World Mission: Loyal Soul, 15% progress. 】

At that time, Miao Zhen was actually a little confused after reading the news.

When Su Zibai defended him, he said that he played this game based on his artificial intelligence skills and his absolutely true emotions.

Miao Zhen didn't understand the relationship between artificial intelligence and games.

The system is well-informed. It found several novels and analyzed them rationally and reasoned carefully.

Finally come to a conclusion.

[I suspect that all NPCs in this world are actually bionic artificial humans. Didn't Zhai Chengyun explode in front of you last time? I think he might be Zhai Chengyun's backup machine who sneaked out. I wonder if every time the game is played back, the NPCs that exist now will explode into a pool of blood and be absorbed by the ground and walls, just like Zhai Chengyun did at that time. Then the real humans outside will stuff in a new batch of bionic artificial humans and continue to be NPCs. 】

'...This conjecture is too bloody and cruel, and the young monk thinks it is unreasonable. '

[Why is it unreasonable? Didn't it mean that bionic artificial humans have become popular? If they can produce mass production on an assembly line, then can't they use it casually?]

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