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Compared with several other tribes, the number of people in the Wise Tribe is really pitiful.

From the moment we entered the tribe, we saw a total of two or three.

After asking Li An, he learned that there were only thirty people in the entire tribe of wise men.

There are no escorts here, and there are no regular diggers or textile women.

What they do every day is think about life.

Anyway, there are only a few of them, so there is always more food to eat.

Just by exchanging food, you can get what you want.

Some of them are craftsmen. When they are bored, they will make wooden combs and weave straw sandals to improve their lives.

When Miao Zhen and others arrived at the Wise Man's tribe, it was already dark.

The leader of the wise tribe, a woman who looked to be in her fifties, received them perfunctorily.

Li An went to exchange goods first, while Miao Zhen and Qu Chenglin stayed in the leader's room to discuss with her the issue of finding a new world.

Before the woman could speak, her son spoke first.

He was a young man in his twenties, extremely handsome.

No matter which tribe it is placed in, it will be sought after by women.

He took Miao Zhen's hand and said, "You believe in the new world too! This is great. Which tribe are you from? Mao Tuan? Join our tribe. All the smart people in the world live in this tribe!"

The leader scolded his son not to be rude, but did not refute his statement.

Miao Zhen held the man's hand, patted the back of his hand and said with a smile: "Every tribe has its own strengths, and the Mao Tuan is also a good place."

The young man smiled brightly and said, "That's right, after all you can knit."

Miao Zhen smiled and said nothing.

Qu Chenglin slapped the man's hand away and looked at him with a cold face.

Just talk and do whatever you want with your hands and feet.

The man was not angry either. He returned to his mother and knelt down, looking up at them slightly.

Miao Zhen could see the disdain between the two men's words and deeds.

On the way here, Li An explained it to them.

The people of the wise tribe are not easy to get along with. They speak strange words and behave strangely.

He considers himself to be the smartest person in the world and disdains contact with other tribes.

If Miao Zhen hadn't come on behalf of the Mao Tuan tribe, the leader might not even pay attention to him.

The leader sat upright and raised his head slightly, "Many outsiders have come to our tribe, and they have various reasons. But you are the only one who comes to look for the new world. I can tell you clearly that the new world does exist."

She paused, "But the new world is still inseparable from God's gift."

Miao Zhen asked her to explain in detail, and the woman began to tell the truth.

He rambles here and there, talking very mysteriously, but he doesn't get to the point.

Qu Chenglin was already in a very irritable mood, and hearing her endless nonsense made him even more irritable.

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