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In the article, the timeline is located in 503, the first year after Su Zibai married into the Zhai family.

Zhai Li discovered that Su Zibai had cheated on his adopted son Zhai Chengyun.

He called Zhai Chengyun to the study to question him, but was ridiculed by Zhai Chengyun.

The conflict between father and son broke out completely, and Zhai Chengyun and Zhai Li fought.

Zhai Li's physical strength was not as good as that of his young and strong alpha adopted son, after he was injured.

In anger, he once said this to Zhai Chengyun.

'I was just confused for a moment, so I raised you, an emotionless monster, as my son. '

Zhai Chengyun's reply was, 'Father, I will not always act according to your wishes. '

That night Zhai Li had a nightmare, dreaming that Zhai Chengyun's mecha exploded and he died on the battlefield without any bones left.

Because of this dream, he decided to give in and share his legal partner with Zhai Chengyun.

From then on, Su Zibai officially started a 3P sexual life in the Zhai family.

The author may have written this paragraph just because he had enough stories about Su Zibai's affair at Zhai's house, and was ready to start a reasonable threesome plot.

This paragraph can be said to be in the past.

It can be said that the power of family affection is very great. After a stubborn imperial general dreamed of the death of his adopted son, he decided to cherish the person in front of him. For the sake of family love, choose to retreat.

These plots and dialogues appear in the first thirty pictures.

When it is connected with the last few clues found by the system, it becomes interesting.

In the last few pictures, Su Zibai has collected five attacks and started a happy 6P life.

One O means two mouths. No matter how many tricks the author plays, the five attackers cannot get an equal share of the bed scenes.

Compared with Zhai Li's overlord setting who can only smile evilly and coldly, the peacock Wen Ziyao and the prince Long Yi who appeared later obviously have more unique characters.

Therefore, in the later period, the roles of Zhai Li and Zhai Chengyun began to decrease.

There are basically no opportunities for individual competitions, and only in team competitions will the father and son appear.

General Zhai, who had never been left out, felt that he was ignored by Su Zibai.

He walked into the study, turned on the optical computer and looked through the videos of his and Zhai Chengyun's past.

In his mind, he recalled every detail of how he and his son had relied on each other, and how the father was kind and the son was filial.

It seems that he is thinking about people after seeing things.

The time video takes Zhai Chengyun's birthday as a node to record the interesting events of the Zhai family and his son throughout the year.

According to Zhai Chengyun's age, the time video Zhai Li watched stopped in the year 496.

The relationship between father and son broke up in 503.

Time recording stopped in 496.

Combined with another clue.

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