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Although they only spent five questions together, Miao Zhen found that Qiao Wan was not a difficult person to get along with.

She has a very good face and won't let others talk about her. In fact, it is best to control this kind of person. As long as you make her happy, her IQ will plummet.

On the contrary, if she is openly disrespected, she will start to become irritable and unreasonable.

Chu Siyao just did such a thing.

She didn't say anything outrageous, maybe she didn't realize anything was wrong. But she burst into tears during a one-sided confrontation with Qiao Wan. In the eyes of people who didn't know why, it was Qiao Wan who bullied her.

This will undoubtedly make Qiao Wan feel very embarrassed.

If it were normal, a pure-looking girl crying in a tender and pitiful way would probably arouse sympathy and pity from the people around her.

But Chu Siyao's image in the class was not good. When she cried like this, she not only received no sympathy, but also made people think she was pretentious and disgusting.

Miao Zhen looked around, and just as he expected, the nearby classmates were all watching the fun, with expressions of disgust on their faces without exception.

Qiao Wan was kind enough to teach Miao Zhen mathematics, but suddenly someone pointed her in the face and said this. She jumped up in anger, stood up and pushed Chu Siyao hard across Miao Zhen.

Miao Zhen was sitting on the seat, while Qiao Wan stood and pushed Chu Siyao, leaning forward with her chest just above her head. Miao Zhen froze and did not dare to move, let alone stop her.

However, Qiao Wan's strength was already strong, and she was separated from him, so she couldn't hurt anyone even if she pushed him.

But what he didn't expect was that just this time, Chu Siyao screamed and was pushed down, and her head hit the corner of the table.

She sat on the ground blankly, blood slowly flowing out of her forehead.

Qiao Wan was also stunned. She looked at her hand and then at Chu Siyao. She didn't understand how a push could cause this.

"Why are you still blackmailing someone?" She waved her hand and saw that Chu Siyao was still bleeding, feeling a little panicked. She had only verbally cursed people before, but had never hit anyone, let alone made anyone bleed.

She was afraid that if Chu Siyao sued the teacher, she would be called upon by her parents.

Thinking of this, she found her small wallet from her schoolbag with a cold expression, took out all the banknotes in it, handed it to Chu Siyao and said: "There are almost fifty left, you go to the clinic and have a look." I didn't use any force, so there shouldn't be much of a hole..."

She originally wanted to say that if she didn't have enough money for medical treatment, she would make up for it next week when her pocket money arrived.

But Chu Siyao stood up, covering her forehead, and forcefully waved away her hand holding the money. He glanced at Miao Zhen with red eyes, turned around and ran out of the classroom.

The classroom was eerily quiet for a moment. Qiao Wan's face became increasingly ugly. She cursed, "I'm so embarrassed!"

Then he put the money away, folded his arms and turned red with anger.

Miao Zhen sighed. He felt that Chu Siyao's way of dealing with others was really unique and unpredictable.

This time, I am afraid that Qiao Wan will be severely offended.

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