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Unlike unlocking hidden characters, unlocking hidden plots is no longer shown from a first-person perspective.

It looks like a CG cutscene.

Since there are no subtitles, the system provides narration on the spot.

Due to the severe insufficient distribution of production support in the world, the resources of one tribe alone cannot meet the needs of daily life.

In this special world environment, world businessmen emerged as the times require.

The World Merchants are a group of people who travel between tribes and are affiliated with the Central Shrine.

They don't stop too much with any tribe. They rely on buying and selling products from various tribes in exchange for necessary survival supplies.

For more than ten years, world merchants have formed their own intelligence network, which is an important bridge for communication between various tribes in the box world.

[Template introduction completed. 】

[Unlock the hidden character - World Businessman 1: Ang Lee. 】

The CG automatically plays and the perspective changes to first person again.

The story of businessman Ang Lee is told through the perspective of a hidden character.

Li An and his wife are both world merchants. Merchants are equivalent to a passport in this world. They can stay on the periphery of any tribe and sell goods.

But five days ago, when they entered the Butuan tribe, they were stopped outside.

You can vaguely smell the strong smell of blood and the unspeakable fishy smell from the Butuan tribe.

It was like the smell of corpses, or something else.

When Li An and the two were discussing and preparing to leave the tribe, several men stopped them.

The men led them to a small house in a corner. There were more than a dozen ragged people huddled in the small room.

From the man's mouth, Li An learned about the Butuan tribe.

The population of Butuan exploded, and there was not enough food to fill their stomachs long ago.

The leader of the regiment decided to give priority to food to feed strong male warriors and resource extraction workers, in preparation for invasion/war at any time.

It was just a matter of sitting and eating, and the food gradually became less and less. Until a month and a half ago, the shadow of hunger enveloped Bu Tuan, and the leader decided to store some people as food.

There were many voices of opposition in the tribe. On the day of the leaders' meeting, the leader of the group arrested and killed the opponents by looking for the reason for the traitor.

Since weapons and food were controlled by the leader, and the guards were all relatives of the leader, no one dared to resist the leader again.

The man asked Li An to take these women to other tribes.

They scraped together some food as payment for Li An.

Li An's cart was not very big, and there were still goods inside, so it could barely fit three people in it.

Li An came forward and selected three thin people from among the women.

These people eat less and don't weigh too much in the car.

Most importantly, they are clean. There are no messy wounds or spots, so it will be easier to sell when you take it out.

Under the cover of the men, Li An and his wife took the women away from the Butuan tribe.

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