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The card sank into the little nanny's body.

The little nanny's originally calm expression suddenly became full of grievances.

She screamed, threw herself into Xiaoyun's arms and started crying.

She spoke vaguely, and the two of them listened for a long time before they understood what she meant.

Probably she was deceived by her boyfriend Li Dafu.

His parents were not sick at all, but Li Dafu tricked her into going to the mountain and tied her up. He also found another man to do that kind of thing with her.

The man was young, handsome, and bookish. His hands and feet were tied, and he was also arrested.

They were both drugged, and after a few sessions, the babysitter became pregnant.

Li Dafu told people that he had already bred the seeds and asked the nanny to cultivate them at home.

Wait until the time comes to give birth to the child so that he can breed with others.

They didn't regard the nanny and the man as human beings at all.

The little nanny may have been holding it back before, but now she was stimulated by the card and cried out of breath.

The nanny is very beautiful, sweet, delicate and cute, and she graduated from a very famous university.

According to the virtue of the website run by Sanyun Senlingshen, it is estimated that many people are interested in her genes.

Xiaoyun wiped her tears sadly, "My little master called you so many times before, why didn't you give me any hint?"

The little nanny burst into tears, "My parents have been secretly controlled by them. I dare not tell you. They also recorded a video and said that if the matter is exposed, they will send it to everyone I know. I don't I don't know what to do, but my phone was confiscated and I can't escape."

Miao Zhen sitting aside didn't know what to say.

He has been practicing for a long time and rarely has major mood swings.

But he was a little confused now.

On the map, the villain Miao Zhen was on fire.

The other villains were afraid that it would set the map on fire, so they shouted slogans and poured water on it.

Wait until the fire on Miao Zhen's body goes out.

Miao Zhen has almost calmed down.

He silently put away the beads that he accidentally crushed and said to the nanny: "Does the donor know where the others are being held?"

The smile on his face was too gentle and looked very strange.

The little nanny looked at him and her crying stopped abruptly.

She whispered: "I don't know, I've been locked in the room and can't go anywhere."

When this matter was mentioned, Xiaoyun suddenly said: "When the police came here before, why didn't you ask for help?"

"The police are on the same side as them." The nanny trembled, "So are the citizens in the town below."

Miao Zhen had more or less guessed what she said when he noticed something unusual on the mountain road.

It should be said that this place is indeed the birthplace of the Three Movement Spirit God.

No wonder the Danhe City police found nothing unusual when they asked the policemen at the foot of Chonggu Village to help investigate.

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