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Although the murder was on his mind, Su Chengye was still more worried about the student's health.

He sighed sadly, this damn sense of responsibility.

Su Chengye took a taxi to the simple little rental house and knocked on the door for a long time, but no one came to open the door.

Miao Zhen lives in a shared house. A large house is divided into five small single rooms, and the five households share a kitchen and bathroom.

The door is a security door covered with various small advertisements, and the original color can no longer be seen.

When Su Chengye knocked on the door, a person walked out of the shared bathroom not far away.

The man has greasy hair, is thin, and wears an undershirt.

He stopped next to Su Chengye and opened the door next door.

Su Chengye glanced at him and continued to knock on the door.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a piece of paper taped to the wall. It was posted by the landlord to urge rent. Miao Zhen's house number was also on it.

"Are you looking for that student?" The man scratched his neck, "Are you his father?"

Su Chengye was stunned. The man looked at him carefully, as if guessing his identity, "You are so young and don't look like his father. I listened to you for a long time. He went home last night and hasn't gone out yet. He must be Still at home."

After he finished speaking, he rubbed his hands and grinned, "If you're in a hurry, give me a hundred and I'll help you unlock it."

Su Chengye looked past him and looked behind him. The man's room was messy, with garbage all over the floor, and he could vaguely smell the stench.

"Eighty is fine." The man gestured, "It can't get any cheaper."

Su Chengye ignored him and continued to knock on the door. The man was a little anxious, "Fifty, I opened the lock without any injuries."

In the end, Su Chengye gave him twenty yuan, and the man reluctantly opened the lock.

He didn't use serious methods, he just found a piece of iron wire and opened the security door.

Su Chengye was a little shocked. The man put away the money and pointed at a small advertisement: "This kind of door is easy to open. I still have it. If you need it, you can call me."

He showed an expression that every man would understand, "I can also contact women."

Su Chengye pushed his door open and pushed him back into the room. Without the annoying people, the world becomes peaceful again.

Miao Zhen was lying on the bed sleeping, her cheeks were red, her brows were furrowed, and she looked not in good condition.

Miao Zhen only said on the phone that he was about to die, and Su Chengye didn't know what happened to him.

He stretched out his hand to touch Miao Zhen's forehead and felt that the fever was severe.

He rummaged through boxes and cabinets in Miao Zhen's house, and there was no thermometer or antipyretic medicine.

Miao Zhen was so dizzy with fever that he tried to open his eyes and vaguely saw a figure.

The system's horrified cry came from his mind, [Little Monk! If you are 39 degrees Celsius, you will burn out! 】

Miao Zhen had a headache, "It's gone?" But Xiaoseng felt that he could still be saved. '

The system was frightened when it saw someone sick for the first time and had already started looking for a body for Miao Zhen in the next world.

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