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Brother Miao went out to inquire about information and received news that the Butuan tribe was in dire straits.

It's chaos now, don't worry about them coming.

It's just that the plague is still spreading among the Mao Tuan, so I don't know if it will affect the Mao Tuan.

The time when the cloth ball caught fire was getting closer and closer. Miao Zhen wanted to go and take a closer look at the cloth ball, but he had no chance.

The two tribes were far apart and the walk would take more than four days.

The Miao family was very strict and there was no possibility of him sneaking out.

Three days later at night, Miao Zhen saw a raging fire burning in the direction of the cloth ball.

The people of the Maotuan tribe were awakened by the light of the fire and ran out to watch.

Miao Zhen, who had been waiting outside, was certain that there was absolutely nothing in the sky before the cloth caught fire.

Judging from the Tianci Terrace and the Water Pillar, the so-called gods lower things through the sky.

Explain that if you want to intervene in the box world, you must pass through the opening above.

That is at least certain that the fire was caused by people from within the world.

Miao Zhen looked around. Brother Miao and Brother Miao looked confused. It seemed that the fire had nothing to do with the cloth.

Jiang Mingshu stood next to Miao Zhen and stared blankly at the fire, "Where's the fire?"

"It should be Bu Tuan." Qu Chenglin observed for a while, "Looking at the location, it is in the direction of the Bu Tuan tribe."

"The ball of cloth is on fire?" Jiang Mingshu murmured, "Does this mean that I don't have to die!"

She gestured: "Don't the gods like to eat things that have been burned? There are so many of them, so don't I need to offer sacrifices to the gods?"

The system did not dare to let Miao Zhen express himself freely, so he wrote the quotations himself and released them.

[Even if Bu Tuan is our enemy, you can't be so happy. How can you still laugh when so many people die at once? Do you have any sympathy or empathy? 】

Miao Zhen also felt that it was not appropriate to laugh at this time, so he replied to the system, "Xiao Monk understands." '

The system sighed and put away the Madonna bitch value counter.

Jiang Mingshu's mind was full of the fact that she didn't have to die anymore. She was so happy that Miao Zhen suddenly reached out and tapped her lips.

Jiang Mingshu looked over and saw a look of compassion on her little friend's face.

"I can understand your feelings. After all, the Bu Tuan tribe is Mao Tuan's enemy, and you also see hope of living. But Bu Tuan are not all bad people. They are suffering disasters and suffering the pain of burning their bodies. The two countries are at war. It should not affect the common people. It is a tragedy for mankind that Bu Tuan is facing a devastating disaster. We should not laugh at this, both emotionally and rationally."

Qu Chenglin folded his arms and hummed after hearing what he said, thinking that he was just pretending.

Miao Zhen looked at him and said, "There are also babies in the cloth ball."

Qu Chenglin put down his arms and looked at the fire, his expression gradually became sad.

The system held the scorer and didn't know if it should count the points for a moment.

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