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Miao Zhen watched the car drive away, took a photo of the license plate number, and sent it directly to police officer Xiao Liu.

He and Xiao Liu are WeChat friends. They have added private accounts before but haven't chatted with each other yet.

You can make calls, but the sound of the vest is very different from the main body. After a phone call, Xiao Liu might follow the phone line to investigate him.

Xiao Liu replied in seconds, "Received," the nearby patrol police were on their way. '

There are a lot of surveillance cameras on the road, people in the car have caught people, and they forgot to lock the rear seats. It seems that they are not very experienced. With the license plate number and the detailed road section, there is no reason why the police cannot catch the person in the car.

Miao Zhen signaled the driver to follow the black car all the way. The patrol policeman who received the order rushed over and tried to force the car to stop while the car was not going fast. The traffic police on duty at the intersection also came to help.

Miao Zhen followed, and upon seeing this scene, he felt that the matter was basically resolved.

The traffic policeman was about to assist in the arrest when he raised his hand to signal the vehicle to stop and cooperate with the investigation. Seeing the mounted police and traffic police surrounding them, the originally slow car suddenly began to accelerate. The traffic policeman standing in front and side was unable to dodge and was forced to retreat.

Just as he was about to be swept under the car, a middle-aged woman who was standing by her car and watching saw her, suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm, and pulled him to her side.

The mounted police officer had not planned to take action at first, but when he saw these people resisting arrest and attacking the police, he immediately swung his baton and hit the black car and the left side window.

The glass on the driver's seat was smashed by him, and the baton was thrust straight into the car.

Miao Zhen was sitting in the car at the back, and he couldn't see what was going on in the car in front. I only saw the black car swinging back and forth, its tires rubbing against the ground and making a squeaking sound. It ran further and further, and finally crashed into a flower bed on the side of the road.

The damage to the vehicle was not serious. The front of the vehicle plunged into a flower bed and stopped shortly after.

The trooper quickly walked to the vehicle, opened the door, and lifted the driver out of his seat. The traffic policeman who was almost crushed to death successfully escaped. He ran over, took off his coat and wrapped it around the woman who climbed out of the back seat.

The woman's clothes had been torn off. She held on to the police uniform tightly, shrank her head and cried in terror.

The police were enforcing the law, and the surrounding vehicles and pedestrians were watching the excitement. If you forget to turn off the flash of your mobile phone, it will look particularly dazzling at night.

The woman had disheveled hair and unkempt clothes. The traffic policeman shouted to stop the crowd. After discovering that they were still taking photos and videos of the woman, he pressed the woman's head into his arms and raised his hands to cover her face.

Miao Zhen couldn't see her current expression, but could only hear what she had been shouting.

Miao Zhen opened the car window and stuck his head out to listen, and heard the woman shouting, "There's another one."

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