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After Chu Siyao's parents, Brother Li and others were sentenced, everything came to an end.

Chu Siyao has serious psychological problems and cannot return to school for the time being. She needs to receive systematic psychological treatment.

Miao Zhen worked hard for a few days, and then returned to school with Su Chengye.

The situation of all the villains in Qihai High School has not changed because of Sister Sisi's departure.

School bullying still exists, and schools still muddy the waters.

A few days later, the news reported the verdict of Chu Siyao's parents.

The students had another source of conversation.

Those arrested were Chu Siyao's parents, who organized prostitution. This was the first news to spread.

But the next day, it turned out that Chu Siyao had been brought into prostitution by her parents since she was a child and had AIDS.

That afternoon, in the class group, some people began to say that Chu Siyao was in a trance because she was pregnant. The reason why she could still come to school was because her parents wanted her to trick other girls into jumping into the fire pit together.

The news spread through noses and eyes, as if they had seen it with their own eyes.

Even the price tag for one night and what kind of customers to receive are all arranged very clearly.

The news spread not only within the class, but also throughout the school.

In the chemistry class on Friday afternoon, Miao Zhen really couldn't understand the class and started looking down at his phone.

Several students in Qiao Wanjian's class group had a heated discussion, saying that Chu Siyao had liked sleeping with people since she was a child, and she voluntarily picked up guests.

The reason was that she could move freely, but she never thought of resisting.

Students of this age are simple and proud. In their view, no matter what they face, as long as they have the courage to resist, there will definitely be good results.

[If this happens to me, I will kill those two beasts first and then commit suicide. 】A girl whose avatar is a small animal sent a message.

The person with the emoji avatar followed closely, [Either she is too cowardly, or she is voluntary, and normal people would have resisted long ago. 】

Miao Zhen frowned and poked the screen with her index finger, [She resisted, but failed. 】

The emoji quickly replied to the message, [I don't believe that when her family members were not sleeping, she wouldn't stab them to death while they were sleeping? 】

[She didn't kill anyone, but she did something wrong? 】

[How much did she blow your pillow? Why do you keep talking to her? 】

Qiao Wan was watching the screen next to her, and she also looked down on Chu Siyao.

But Miao Zhen was her friend, and she was extremely defensive. Seeing that Miao Zhen was being treated strangely, she relied on herself as the group leader to ban the emoji first, and then started to ridicule the group.

Miao Zhen originally wanted to reason with the emoticon, but the typing speed was too slow, and it was not effective if it was mixed in with Qiao Wan's curse words.

He patted Qiao Wan and asked, "Who is this person?"

Qiao Wan was scolding vigorously when she heard this and pointed to a seat by the window.

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