【World 2】━━ Science Fiction Romance Novel ━━

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2.1 - Soft science fiction romance novel

Miao Zhen opened his eyes and looked around. Seeing the unfamiliar environment, he knew that he had arrived in a new world.

The system beep was introducing him to the world in his mind.

[The novel world you are in now is a soft science fiction romance novel. Soft science fiction is the opposite of hard science fiction. The author boldly imagines and no longer describes science and engineering in detail, but focuses on the psychological and humanistic social aspects, focusing on discussing philosophy and social phenomena. It is one of the branches of science fiction. 】

[The name of the novel you traveled through this time is, "The Human Box"]

[The content of the novel is summarized as follows: There are one hundred humans living in a box. Fifty males, fifty females. They gradually formed tribal groups, thrived in their respective territories, and developed religious beliefs. 】

[Every year, the gods living in the sky give them fresh food and water. But every ten years, the gods will be angry, and humans without fresh food can only starve. In order to survive, humans would select a sacrifice and tie it to a sacred pillar and burn it to the gods. After making the offerings, within a year, the gods would favor them again. 】

[This tradition lasted for a long time, and one year they chose the heroine Jiang Mingshu as a sacrifice. The male protagonist Qu Chenglin turned against the world in order to save her. Their spirit of constant struggle against fate moved the gods, and they favored mankind again without any sacrifices. After the crisis was resolved, they lived happily together. 】

[But something went wrong while the world was running, and the male protagonist turned dark for unknown reasons. Not only does he have no intention of saving the heroine, but he wants to kill everyone and destroy the entire world. 】

[The mission is released below, main mission one: let the male protagonist feel the truth, goodness and beauty, and prevent the male protagonist from destroying the world. Main mission two: Save the heroine and prevent her from being sacrificed to the gods. There is still one day left before the plot point begins, so the host please be prepared. 】

No matter how Miao Zhen looked at it, he felt that this world was not comparable to science fiction.

He knocked on System 5210, 'Is this science fiction? '

【There is no mistake in classification. 】The system successfully deceived the main system, gained a lot of points, and was choosing love gifts for the target in the mall.

'What is Xiao Monk's current identity? '

As soon as this was mentioned, the system became energetic.

[I see that you had a bad life in the last world. In this world, I blocked the main system and chose a good body for you. You are now the son of a small tribal leader, with no worries about food and clothing. Moreover, both the male and female protagonists are from this tribe, so you don't have to go far. How about it, am I great! 】

Miao Zhen applauded it.

The system holds the gift and happily goes to find the little one.

Miao Zhen opened the map and took a look. The male protagonist was eating in his own small house, while the female protagonist was standing in another small house, talking to the people at the shrine.

The villain in the article is Geng Yunian, the priest of the shrine. He sent people to arrest the heroine and forced her to sacrifice.

The little man Geng Yunnian was walking on the street with his walking stick.

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