Siren Song

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It summons me
Your song
I am no longer free
For how long?
It whisks me away
But not for the good
I've been put on display
Standing where others once stood
But I'm trapped
No way out
I'm forced to adapt
Spread my wings and sprout
It's pain
Falling for the same thing
All I can do is complain
And hope for the Siren to no longer sing
Because I'm too weak
I don't like to say no
But then I start to freak
And all the feelings flow
Falling in love for me is too easy
And that's how I always get hurt
I trust, and it all seems breezy
But it's not, and instead I feel like a desert
Empty and vast
The opposite of the siren's sea
Not sure how much longer I can last
Only ever wanting to flee
But I'm here
Struggling to exist
Always trying to persevere
Always hoping to resist

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