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I am just a ghost
Nothing but a mere host
Treated like a husk
From dawn to dusk
Always chosen last
Reminding me of my past
I am just here
Trapped with my biggest fear
Being alone
And I cannot atone
Treated like trash
Happiness gone in a flash
Those I love, hurt me
I can't be free
You always post
But not about the ghost
Not the one that cares the most
The one that never gets your boast
I will never tell you
Even though this is true
I will always care
And it's not fair
We are not equal
I am just a prequel
I get jealous of those shown your love
They will always be above
Far above this ghost
This ghost that's doing the most
But I am never seen
Only looked between
You say I am
But we both know that's a sham
You cannot see this ghost
Everything I've grossed
Always pushed aside
No reason to hide
I'm hidden in the light
No one but myself to fight

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