Fucked Up

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Just as I gained happiness.
Just as I found my joy.
Sorrow strikes.
Depression hits.
Heartbreak occurs.
One fuck up after another.
But not entirely of my own.
Not just my fuck up.
Others fucked up with me.
Communication wasn't used.
Respect wasn't present.
Then smaller events coincide.
That is my blame.
I was dumb.
Not thinking.
Following my lusts, my desires.
Rarely does that occur.
But now I'm alone.
Alone but not done.
Not done with life.
There is more to do.
More to fix and improve.
Yes, I fucked up quite a few times.
But this isn't the end.
There's a reason it's a fuck up.
There's a reason it's not a fuck down.
Life goes up after the fuck.
I need to forgive myself.
Forget my mistakes.
Move on.

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