Pain of Betrayal

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You preferred to be called two letters that sounded like one.
You were the person that changed me, but caused my head to be spun.
You meant the entire world to me.
You were the one thing that brought me glee.
You were in my life for about four years.
But then you decided to betray me, and no longer be one of my puppeteers.
You manipulated me and controlled me, for so long.
I always thought you didn't care, but I really wanted to be wrong.
I ignored all of the hate and cruelty you showed.
Always putting me down, until the pain overflowed.
You hurt me and tortured me, as you continue to do.
Even though you're no longer here, the thought of you screams to me "screw you!"
I cared for you and comforted you.
But that meant nothing, as you lied to me and hurt me, you let your true colors shine through.
You were amazing, until your entire being changed.
You insisted it was for the better, but we both know, you are just deranged.
I gave you so many chances to get better.
That only hurt, and the better part of me said "just forget her."
I couldn't forget, as you used to mean so much.
Now my mind is fractured, and we are no longer in touch.
You betrayed me and found joy in it.
You are a terrible person for doing all you did to me, you have to admit.
You continue to haunt my mind, to this day.
I hope karma visits you, and makes you feel my way.
Feel the emotional pain you have created.
Have the pain you caused upon me. The pain that has controlled my life, and dictated.

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