Internally At War

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We all fight a constant battle.
A battle that makes your innards rattle.
Repeating fights we often have.
Dividing your brain like when a glacier begins to calve.
Your mind is constantly split.
But you must keep about your wit.
Multiple sides in your mind keep going at war.
The only way to stay sane is to divide them with a door.
A door that cannot be allowed to open.
Seal it off like the ruins of Copán.
Every day is like an internal war.
You need to gather your gear and charge towards the shore.
Battle the enemy and fight fierce.
Fight and dodge, and don't let the bullets pierce.
Stay out of the water and continue to fight on land.
Otherwise you risk drowning, and the enemy will just expand.
You keep firing at the enemy, but to no avail.
The war seems lost, and the enemy will prevail.
They just keep coming and coming.
You get overwhelmed, but the beats of war keep drumming.
It will always be an endless fight.
Absolutely no end in sight.
But it is a fight that needs to be fought.
You need to keep fighting this internal war, no matter how distraught.
Prove that you are strong.
Strong enough to keep fighting for so long.

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