Land Of the Free

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Land of the free.
Yeah no, I disagree.
Women are now second class.
This is something that can't pass.
They lost their rights.
The only ones safe are male whites.
African Americans are discriminated against daily.
You can only be white, and especially not Israeli.
The government is gonna target gays next.
I am completely perplexed.
How is this the America we live in?
The America where you still get judged by your skin.
Old white men are in control.
They control every aspect of women, even their soul.
Guns are a ginormous problem as well.
People literally choose weapons over children. Like, what the hell?!
As an American, I have never been more ashamed.
Ashamed that this country has become inflamed.
An insurrection, mass shootings, racial violence, and women losing choice.
Those are only a few of the problems that need our voice.
Traitors call themselves "patriots" now.
It seems that term lost all meaning some how.
Veterans fought and died for this nation.
And now they're disrespected by this fucking Trump administration.
But this is America, "land of the free."
And this folks, is exactly why we take a knee.

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