Master Manipulator JJ

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I found out
I discovered your plan
Another one of your victim's reached out
You use
I'm done caring
I'm done defending you
You cheat on the one you're loyal to
You capture those weak minded
Along with countless others
You mold us
Make us fall for you
Make us feel bad for you
Then you pretend you found your morals
You make us feel guilty
I showed defiance
I stood up against you
And so you left
You claimed you were hurt
Don't kid yourself
You used me from the beginning
I was a convenience
We're all just toys to you
I cared for you
I borderline loved you
But it was fake
All of it was fake
You were fake
I'm done protecting your name
I found out I'm not your only victim
I used to blame myself
Thought I fucked up
Then I found out I was wrong
I didn't fuck up
You did
You fucked up
You manipulate emotions
You manipulate people
You're cruel
I trusted you
And all you did was lie
You don't deserve to be in my head
You used me
You used everyone
And now I'm told the truth is coming out
Karma is coming for your ass

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