Pain of Betrayal - Part 4

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Goblin King.
Very fitting name for thee.
Still not sure about seventeen-seventy-three.
You were two letters of the same.
Losing you was a real shame.
I truly fell for you.
Then again, were those feelings ever true?
I easily fall in love.
Feelings I wish I could shove.
To no one you were loyal.
You made hearts boil.
You made me think there was a chance.
But this was just some fucked up dance.
You pulled the rug out from under me.
Claimed you found your "morals," and made your feelings flee.
I warned you of how I am.
And you still treated me like a sham.
I truly did all i could.
I tried to do what I should.
The truth is, I wanted you to end it.
To cut me off from your shit.
You made me feel like shit many a time.
And I just pretended everything was sublime.
But I came to you in my time of need.
I came to you with a plead.
I was struggling, and needed a friend.
But you decided it was time for things to end.
Yes, you hurt me very badly.
I type all of this sadly.
But I know I hurt you too.
You just wouldn't let me figure out what to do.
You called me and screamed.
All these hateful words, just right into my head they beamed.
All I could do was cry.
I truly wanted to die.
But then I stood tall.
Told you to not insult me at all.
It pissed you off.
There was only a scoff.
And so you left.
Stealing my soul in your theft.
But despite it all, I still care.
I will always care for you, despite the ware and tear.
I still don't regret meeting you.
I hope you feel the same too.
Take care.
And maybe we'll meet again somewhere.

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