The 4th Of July

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The day when we litter the sky with smoke.
Fireworks cover the sky like a cloak.
Children can be heard all about.
Playing and giggling, no real reason to pout.
A day of celebration.
Everyone is celebrating, all over the nation.
A fun filled day.
That is, unless you go astray.
There's nothing really to celebrate in this place.
This day is a big slap in the face.
We're celebrating being free?
Then how come there are people here who only want to flee?
Corruption, racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, the list goes on and on.
The only way you're really free here is if you're the color of a swan.
Straight, Christian, white males are the only ones with any right.
Others celebrate this day to forget their plight.
But on the 4th Of July, there is no forgetting after the fireworks ignite.

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