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I'm tired
So so tired
Not sleepy tired
I'm just tired
Tired of existence
Tired of trying so hard to
Tired of being there for others
And no one is ever there for me
I'm mentally exhausted
I'm running on empty
My heart is full
But the love is empty
My shattered heart
The love seeps out
My soul clings
Trying to tape back my heart
Trying to fix the cracks
It's a lot
A lot of pressure on myself
On my heart
On my soul
I put this pressure on myself
I am the cause
I am the reason
I'm why I'm tired
I'm the reason why I struggle
My effort is struggling
My smile is temporary
My laughter is fleeting
I try
I still try
I will always try
But I'm tired
So so tired
I'm exhausting myself
Exhausting my heart
I take on everyone else's problems
I help everyone else
But not myself
I don't help myself
And it's killing me
I'm tired
Tired of the way I treat myself
Tired of how I put everyone before myself
Just tired

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