Part Twenty Nine

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Dinner was great. They made plans for the next day. Hoseok made a list of about ten places they had to visit if they were going to get the full Gwangju experience. Hoseok decided to show them his old practice room, before he became J-Hope of BTS.

The kids got really excited listening to the places Mr. Hoseok was going to take them. The admiration the kids had for the artists was very clear in the way they seemed to be hung in every word the seven men said, in the way they replicated their smiles and their enthusiasm as stories of when they were younger arise.

And it was more than obvious how fond the seven soulmates were becoming of the kids.

"So what is it we needed to talk about?" Jungkook took a deep breath as all his soulmates settled around on the floor of one of their rooms.

However none said anything or no one wanted to start off the conversation.

"We need to talk about what's going." Namjoon's voice finally echoed in the room after the silence.

"Talk about what exactly?"

"About the way we felt when we saw the kids talk to Adrian. About the jealousy I felt knowing Adrian is planning to get back with Aila." Namjoon clarified Taehyung question.

The heaviness of this words settled in their bodies, a heaviness that made their muscles tense.

"What exactly did you feel Joon?" Yoongi asked, already knowing the answer.

Namjoon looked over at his older soulmate. Yoongi's face held nothing but understanding for him.

And love. Namjoon could see the love his soulmate felt for him.

This was ok and they'll get through it.

"I really have come to love those kids. I can't explain what it is. Maybe it's the fact we are getting ready to be parents, to finally have a chance at being a family. I have learned to appreciate them, so much. But there's something about Kcire and Iletsi. Those two have my heart. When I see them, I see.... I see Aila and the love she has put into them all these years. I see.... I see the kids I would have love to have, to hold, would have love to take care of and know they are mine, the product of our love. It's as if....." Namjoon felt his words run out of meaning.

What he was describing was a slap to the lifetime he has spent next to his soulmates. Next to the world he was given. A world he was gotten to experience with so much intensity.

"I love you guys...." Namjoon felt his eyes began to sting behind his feelings, "and I don't want you to think I don't.... that I have not loved the life we have been given because God, I love it.... So much." Namjoon sniffed, his voice cracking and eyes becoming red as the tears began to fall.

Jimin moved towards him, throwing his arms around him as he had down for so many other times.

"We love you Joonie. Don't think I'll stop loving you because of what you're saying." Jimin gave his husband a kiss to his cheek, wiping off the tears.

"You're not the only one Joonie. I think we can all say we have felt this." Seokjin smiled as he looked around this soulmates, all nodding their heads yes to his words.

"I can say I felt the jealousy. Seeing Kcire and Iletsi talking to their father was the wake up call. This, whatever it is, whatever this attraction we feel towards Aila, it's not....good. I love you guys and I have never allow anyone to come between us, because you are my safe place. But Aila came in and knocked us off to the ground. And I don't know why." Yoongi told the group.

"We need to figure out who Aila is. Where she comes from, " Hoseok told the group, "we were so wrapped up in this feeling we didn't see what we are doing. We just jumped."

"We also need to figure out who our soulmate is." Taehyung added.

"But how?" Jimin gave Namjoon one more squeeze before letting go of the taller male.

"I've been thinking how since we last spoke about us thinking being a possibility..... We can contact the hospital we woke up in. They can't deny us the information regardless of what the company said. It's being too long for them to be under any form of contract with them. We were the ones there so they can't deny us our own medical reports."

"But it's been so long Kookie. Do you think they would have it."

"Of course Hobi. They housed the biggest soulmate group at the sight of a tragedy. There's no way they would have gotten rid of that report."


Brian was laying on the bed when his wrist lit up, a very familiar name appearing. He looked around the room, making sure Aila wasn't there with him.

"Where's Aila?"

"She's taking a shower. Why?" Maria asked. Brian lifted his wrist for Maria to see the name.

He flicked his wrist twice, the movement telling his chip to answer the call. The face of one of his best friends appeared floating in front of him. Brian pinned the image and made it larger so Maria, Vannozzo and Nyala could see it.

"Adrian! Hi!" Nyala was the first to greet him as they crowed Brian in the bed.

"Hi my lovely ladies." Adrian smiled big.

"Woh! Can you not try to get my soulmates as soon as you see them! You already got Aila! Don't come for mine!" Brian pushed Nyala and Maria off the bed, making them laugh.

"Are you still sour I got to marry Aila and you didn't." Adrian smirked at Brian.

Brian didn't want to answer this question, because the answer was obvious. He loved Aila. They were meant to be and yet have been so far away all these years.

"It's ok. I know you are. And I have something else to ask from you. I need you to help me get Aila back."

Brian froze at his words. So did Vannozzo, Maria and Nyala.

"I can't stand this woman anymore. Leaving my wife, my kids and my best friends for someone that's supposed to be my soulmate was a mistake I plan on correcting. She's not my soulmate. I've seen what soulmates are, how they love each other. This woman doesn't love me. I know the way she has treated our kids. If she truly loved me the way she says she does, then she would love them. Because they are an extension of me, of my time and my love."

All four soulmates stood quiet, listening.

"I'm leaving her. Tomorrow. I have everything ready and I'll give her what she deserves for being so fucking evil. I still can't believe she's my soulmate. After I leave her, I'm getting on a plane and I'm taking my family back."

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