Part Eleven

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Jacob and Fernando were having the time of their lives. Jungkook felt more like an older brother to them. He wanted to do all the rides and more. He was funny and they liked his tattoos.

They both thought he was the coolest person alive and he got all the girls attention. Women and men kept looking at him, waving or asking for a picture or autograph. It made them feel special his attention was on them while everyone's attention was in him. It seemed unreal that they were actually hanging out with Jungkook from BTS.

Not only Jungkook but Seokjin as well. He was fun and they liked him, but they felt more in tune with Jungkook. Seokjin felt like a dad to them.

They made sure to enjoy both of them equally though. When would they ever be lucky enough to hang out with them after the trip?


Taehyung and Jimin wanted girls. They both made up their minds after getting their twin boys they would adopt girls.

It was just something about Love, Iletsi and Arlet that woke up a softer side on them. They felt the need to take care of them, to hide them from the boys who would stare.

They were just too beautiful and they needed to be protected and kept away.

Specially Iletsi. They didn't know what it was but something about her made them feel like she belong to them. Her laughter was the best. She looked like her mother so she was absolutely beautiful.

If they could have a daughter of their own she would be like Iletsi. She was perfect.


The next day got started later than the previous one. The kids had begged to sleep in since they were so tired from the amusement park.

Around ten, the group got to Seoul Grand Park Zoo and in the afternoon they visited the National Museum of Contemporary Art.

However this time, the group decided to not split up, not knowing if it was a good or a bad idea.

The kids got to enjoy talking and getting to know their idols but the attention they got was incredible.

Every where they went someone stopped and looked. They could see the people whispered to themselves, eyes bulged out or doing double takes as the idols walked by. 

Of course it was only understandable, it was rare for all seven of them to be out in the same place, at the same time, and with no type of security.

Not that they use security anymore. They hadn't used security in a long time, since they stopped being BTS the idols. Now they were just humans beings, soulmates and husbands enjoying the rest of their lives together.

But the fame of being BTS always followed them.

"Is it always like this?" Vannozzo asked Namjoon as someone stopped to take a picture with Jimin and Hoseok.

"Usually yes. We do try to go out in pairs and not to very busy areas. Usually we go out with friends, one or two of us max. We don't go out all together for this reason. Draws too much attention."

Vannozzo nodded in understanding at Namjoon.

"It's nice that people respect your space though.
I'm sure it can always be worse."

"Of course but we love our Army. They are always very respectful towards us and it's not like we don't understand. They are a fan of us as much as we are fan of them, so getting to met them even if it's just briefly is a blessing for us."

Jimin and Hoseok bowed as they finished talking to the fans. It was a sweet encounter.

"How about we go to eat! I can take you to my favorite restaurant when I was a kid." The kids cheered as the parents were finally going to sit.

"About damn time," they all whispered.


The restaurant had been demolished and remade. It wasn't the same restaurant Seokjin remembers when he was a kid.

It was still nice.

The food was good.

But it hurt Seokjin.

"When was the last time you visited the restaurant?"

Seokjin looked over at Aila with a pout. She laughed. She didn't think a grown man could look cute and handsome at the same time.

"Pshh, Aila don't pay attention to his little tantrum. It's been like 15 years since he last came around."

Aila laughed more as Taehyung dismissed Seokjin's turmoil.

"Anyways moving on to what's important: tomorrow. We are...."


Jimin was settled in his room. He laid alone in his bed. It had been a long time since he had gone to sleep by himself but he didn't mind it.

His head was filled with the past two days and how happy he is.

It felt so nice to make friends.

He didn't know why they had been able to open up to Aila and her family but it didn't matter. He was happy they did.

He was happy he got to see Aila first thing in the morning. He was happy he got to hear her laughter and see her smile.

He was happy such a beautiful women crossed his path.

He felt a shudder in his chest thinking about her. He dismissed it and went to sleep with a smile on his face.......

"Jimin if you don't get out the car she's going to throw the keys. Please get out." Namjoon pleaded.

Jimin got out not looking around. He felt ashamed.

How could he force his soulmate to do such a thing.

"Jimin baby please look at me."

Jimin recognized the voice. It sounded like someone he loved. It was distant, like a faint echo calling to him.

He looked up and there stood a blurry image. He couldn't see the details but it was a women. His heart told him this is soulmate.

"I did it because I wanted to help you with the exorbitant state. I liked it." Her voice was distant and teasing. Then he felt soft lips land on his and kiss him deeply.......

Jimin felt himself jump at the touch. He moaned and felt himself wake up hard.

Just what the fuck was that.

His dreams never felt that real. He could almost taste her lips.

Jimin traced his lips with his fingertips as he thought about it. He has dreamt with his soulmates numerous of times, but never with a women.

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