Part Two

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**Italics is in Korean***

They were going in two cars.

Taehyung and Seokjin were going to be the designated drivers so the others could have a couple of drinks.

It had been a long time since they had been to a public place all together. They usually avoided this type of situation.

One, since they didn't work for the company, they didn't have security. The good thing about Korean is they weren't mobbed and the fans usually respected their privacy. They would get the occasional stares and some would film, but they were ok with that. No one really bothered BTS.

Two, it always took so much work to get seven people in one place. They had to be extra careful with each other.

Three, they were still BTS. Their every moves were always up for discussions. They were used to this by now. They only hoped as time went passed by, people would eventually forget them.

Not likely though.

They pulled up to the venue their friend had sent them in the messages.

Before coming, all had gotten acquainted with what the party was about. They did their research, reading up on the articles about how huge this accomplishment was for human society and development.

They were honored to be in the same room as people who had dedicated their life to make the world a better place.

This event was a milestone in human history. They had all tuned into the conference.

It was amazing to watch.

Everything. From when all the researchers got together, to all the years the study took.

They all had developed a fixation for the head researcher they came to know as Aila Zaid. She was incredible in their eyes. They were hoping to meet her.

They got out the cars knowing the event was valet parking and made their way into the venue.

It was simply decorated, nothing too fancy and it had early 2000's English music playing. Which would only make since, almost everyone here was in the older generation.

The tables were layer out in a circle, forming a dance floor in the middle. They choose a table that didn't look to be occupied, all of them sitting around each other.

Light chatter was happening between the invited and they noticed an open bar and a food table.

The ambiance felt quite nice actually.

As soon as they were settled Yoongi and Jungkook went straight for the bar, followed by Hoseok and Jimin. Namjoon decided to go get something to eat before drowning his system with liquor.

The two forgotten soulmates watched from the table the other five make their way to their destinations. They watched with heart in their eyes as Namjoon tried to carry 3 plates of food to the table and the others carried as many drinks as their arms could permit.

"We are going to babysit them today aren't we."

The oldest soulmates hummed a response to Taehyung. "That's what it looks like."


They were actually enjoying themselves. It had been a while since they had gone out to a party.

As the night had moved along, more people were in the room. Some they knew. Some stared at them for too long, but over all it was nice.

A DJ was getting set up which could only mean the real party was finally getting started.

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