Part Five

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They forgot to mention it.

Once they got to the dinner table, the main focus was ordering food, lots of it, and eating. The food was amazing, just like they heard, and then back to the hotel.

They decided to just walk around Seoul, eat some desserts even after they say they were so full and weren't going to eat for the rest of the night.

The kids tricked them into going to a dessert shop, which was so conveniently where they decided to walk around.

Nor mom or daughter mention anything at the end of the night about their encounter. They were too tire and everyone went to their rooms. Even though the newcomers were jet lag they slept like babies. All of them did.

The kids had insisted to sleeping by themselves, all in one room: eight people from ages seven thorough sixteen. The parents knew better than to allow this. They always stayed up late at night playing, it would seem this time, they actually listened. The oldest ones assured their parents they were going to keep an eye on them.

Maria, Antônia, and Nyala refused to leave Aila by herself. Aila told the group of soulmates they needed to sleep together. They refused.

So that left Brian with Vannozzo.

Aila still laughed at the awkwardness between them too. Brian swore up and down his bond with Vannozzo was purely platonic, but from time to time they would cuddle or share romantic stares. Aila found them sharing a kiss one time, though she still hasn't told Brian about seeing them.

Brian had accepted his soulmates a long time ago, but having a male soulmate did mess with him. Aila was pretty sure their dynamic was more than what Brian let on, but she didn't bother him. They were all happy and that's all that matters.

It was the next day when Iletsi mentioned it to her cousins how BTS were going to show them around their hometowns. Everyone freaked the fuck out and called Letsi a liar for hyping them so much.

Kcire came to her rescue and did say they had met them at the party thrown for the researches. That part was true.

Everyone squeaked and squealed as Kcire animatedly told the story with a red cheek Iletsi. They didn't believe how lucky those two had been. They had met in person BTS.

The BTS.

The legends themselves.

Just how luck can some people have in a lifetime?

The Iletsi told them about their encounter at dinner. She began to to get mad as she saw her best friends roll her eyes at her.

"But Letsi, really? They are going to show us around?"

"Jacob, I promise we ran into them at the restaurant! They offered." Everyone scoffed at Iletsi.

She couldn't be saying the truth could she?

One thing Iletsi didn't like was lies so the fact no one believed her was hurtful. She understood why they wouldn't believe her. She wouldn't believe herself either, but it did happen.

She ran out the room towards her moms room in her pajamas and continuously knocked at the door till someone suddenly the door open.

Maria was still half asleep as Iletsi pushed past her and jumped straight on top of her mom. Aila didn't know what the hell was going on as she woke up with Iletsi talking nonsense and all the kids rushing into the room, talking on top of each other.

Completely chaos.

They kept interrupting each other and pointing fingers.

"Guys! It's too early for this mess! What the fuck is going on?" All the kids got quiet at Maria's outburst.

"Letsi is lying and making shit up."

"What the hell Fernando!? I'm telling the truth."

"Why!? Why are you guys cussing?"

"Mom! Tell them!"

"Ok tell them what Letsi?"

"About what BTS said."

"About them taking us out?"

It was like hell broke loose and everyone started shouting.

Iletsi accused all of them for not believing in her. Fernando, Jacob, Love, Arlet and Inaya still denied what their Aunt Aila had just said as they kept repeating they both were in the joke.

Maria looked over to Antônia and Nyala as both exchanged worried looks.

Just what the fuck did Aila say?


Did she mean BTS?

"You guys meet BTS? When did this happen?"

Aila turned to look at Nyala. She was asleep a few seconds ago and now she looked wide awake.

"They happened to be at the party we had. They are friends with one of the researchers. We got introduced." Aila saw the daunting look Nyala tried to hide. All three of them actually.

"Does Brian know about this?" Antônia didn't mean to sound so distressed and concerned but this was too much, just is there so much coincidence.

"No? I didn't think I had to let him know."

"Mom! Mom! Tell them again!"

"About yesterday? Yeah so they were at the restaurant yesterday. They were talking to Letsi and they offered to take her and us out around some cities."

The kids broke out hollering and screaming in happiness.

"We are meeting fucking BTS! Oh my Gosh!

What the fuck had just happened.

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