Part Ten

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Nyala leaned forward in her seat. She wanted to mess with them. She didn't think it would work.

They don't know the truth.

But she thought once a soulmate, always a soulmate.

That's the only reason as to why the group would go out their way. They just had said so themselves. It's hard to make friends yet they got everything ready for 21 people to tour the country?

It didn't make sense.

They had put too much effort into a simple dinner.

They had been too happy on taking Aila and her kids out. It was an almost two week itinerary they had very detailed put together.

Just why go through that trouble, invite people into their home?

There must be something.

"Say got any hot friends that you could introduce Aila to?" Nyala looked over the group, a smirk while her words spilled, "Aila could really use a friend." Her smile widen.

She paid close attention to the quick expression change, especially from Hoseok and Jimin, but then their faces went back to being straight.

"Guys don't pay attention to her. I'm not looking right now."

Nyala groaned with Antônia and Maria, while Brian and Vannozzo giggled.

"Aila, it's been one year since Adrian left. I think you need to get out babe. Anyone would be lucky to have you," Maria said as Brian laughed.

"What? Why? Why are you laughing?" Nyala pushed Brian as she asked the question.

"Aila has been messing around with someone on her team, and listen to this... he's like 27."

Everyone's faces dropped.


"Since when!?"

"Why don't I know this!?"

Aila's friends talked over each other at the new info while the others didn't like to listen to the conversation.

"Oh my god! The kid has a crush on me! But he's just a kid, we haven't done anything don't believe Brian." Aila was quick to defend herself. She looked over to Jimin, whose faces seemed to darken a bit. She shook her head then glared at Brian, who had the biggest smile.

"But aside from the jokes, do you guys have anyone in mind?" Nyala pushed the subject.

She looked over. The three younger ones didn't look happy. The others looked uncomfortable.

"Umm I don't think we have anyone but if we think of someone we can introduce you guys." Nyala cheered and Aila shook her head no at Namjoon's words.


"Today was fun don't you think?"

Taehyung didn't ask anyone in particular. It was late at night, their guests had left. They had cleaned up, washed dishes and put everything away.

Now they sat in the living room. Namjoon cuddled with Taehyung, Seokjin with a grumpy Yoongi, Hosoek with Jimin and Jungkook.

The eventful moments replaying in their minds.

"It was really nice to have the house full." Even when they have so many nephews and nieces, they never came in all at the same time. Maybe for New Years. Their house was usually the hosting spot since it was so big.

"Yeah it was nice Tae. Definitely glad they did come today."

"Alright my loves, let's get ready for bed, it's going to be a long day tomorrow."


Gwacheon was the first stop in the tour. It was the closest to Seoul.

They had a full day planned at Seoul Land.

They picked their guest from their hotel, in a mini bus, early, at round seven. The kids had never been in that type of vehicle so they were excited. Breakfast came first before anything and then the drive was a short distance.

It was definitely easier to go out with the seven soulmate group or at least that's what Aila thought. There was no looking dumb translating everything around them.

They didn't have to stop and research how to get to a place. Not that it wasn't easier now, but still they were in a foreign country. Technology was very helpful but there was a certain comfortability to having someone native with them.

As they got to the park, the kids begged to separate into groups. The two oldest, Jacob and Fernando wanted to go their own way. Jungkook joined them. The two seventeen year olds wanted to get on all the crazy rides and Jungkook was perfect for that. He still is an adrenaline junky. Seokjin also joined the three. He knew they needed adult supervision.

Arlet, Iletsi and Love left with Jimin, Taehyung and Vannozzo. The two soulmates wanted to spend time with the beautiful girls. The three girls like to ride the attractions but they were more logical about it.

Brian took Kcire with Hoseok joined the two. Kcire wasn't one for the adrenaline. He liked to eat food and maybe ride something or play the stand games. So he always left with his uncle Brian because he was the same. When Hoseok heard this he wanted to join them. He also didn't have a strong heart, not when he was younger and not now.

Yoongi and Namjoon stayed with the women and the two youngest, Inaya and Giovanna. Giovanna was too young so they usually rode the kid friendly attractions with her and Inaya still liked to walk around with her parents.

"She's the only one that still likes us." Maria rolled her eyes as she her older kids got away from her as soon as they paid for the entrance. She bend down and kissed Inaya.

"Back home when we go to the Fair, they just ask for money and leave. The two boys one group, the three girls another group. Kcire somethings joins the two oldest but he doesn't really like it because they make him go on crazy rides so he usually goes off with Brian. So we are only left with these two lovely ladies to take care of." Antônia said as she picked up Giovanna.

"What about you Aila?" Yoongi looked over at her. She had her hair parted into two braids beautifully exposing her face, baggy jeans and a tank top.

"I liked the rides but as I got older I didn't have the balls to get on them anymore. And I'm afraid of heights and still did dumb shit." Yoongi smiled as he thought about all the things he did when he was young. Those Run Episode Games and some of the things they did on Bon Voyage still haunt him till this day. He had gone bungee jumping, zip lining and so much more. However he did them with his mates so he never complained.

"Ok ladies, let us escort you around the park."


Aila did like having Namjoon and Yoongi walk with them.

She really enjoyed it.

Both males were sweet and attentive. They seem to melt being around Giovanna and Inaya.

Anything the girls wanted to get on they would ride with them. Anything they wanted to eat they wanted to buy. Antônia had to stop them from buying all the food they wanted to eat. She knew their eyes were bigger than their stomachs but Yoongi and Namjoon thought otherwise. They had both males wrapped up in their cute puppy eyes and giggles.

Aila also noticed the attention she was getting. People would stop and stare. Some would wave. Others had the courage to come up to the superstars and ask for a photo or autograph.

Aila saw the sweet smiles they gave their fans every time. They didn't seem annoyed or irritated at the constant attention. Maybe it was because they had lived all their lives like this.

However Aila couldn't see herself living like that. Their fame was well deserved. She knows that. She knows the attention comes with their success not only because of their career but in the way they made their homeland proud.

But as Aila observed, she knew this was not a lifestyle she wanted to have.

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