Part Eight

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The first two hours had gone by quick.

This is the fullest the house has ever felt.

There were eight kids.

Fernando was seventeen years, born to Brian and Nyala. Jacob was also seventeen, son of Vannozzo and Maria. Love had just turned sixteen, daughter of Vannozzo and Antônia. Arlet, fourteen, daughter of Brian and Maria. Inaya was ten, daughter of Brian and Antônia and Giovanna, seven, daughter of Vannozzo and Nyala.

Ckire was fourteen and Iletsi eleven.

Taehyung loved having so many kids over. He had always loved kids, a little more than his husbands. Well maybe except for Namjoon. Namjoon always dreamed with being a dad and Jimin. Jimin was always so happy around kids.

Having them around really made Taehyung want to finally be able to hold his.

Taehyung learned fast the kids ate.


They didn't question what it was or how it was made. If it smelled good and it looked good they ate it. It made his heart full seeing them eat and eat and talk away between themselves. Conversation was organic, or at least it felt organic to Taehyung.

It was so easy to talk. Words and laughter easy happened. Everyone felt like friends finally catching up to each other after life got in the way. Even Yoongi and Seokjin seem to enjoy themselves, as introvert as both of them are.

"There's a pool!"

"Aww man, I want to go in."

"You can't even swim! What are you going to do? Float?"

Love turned around and launched for her brother Fernando. They wrestled as they fell to the ground.

"Should we tell them something?" Jimin was concerned as he watched the siblings fight.

Instead of answering. Aila took her wallet. She took five dollars out.

"Five on Love."

"Ten on Fernando," Vannozzo betted. Jimin's mouth hanged open as he saw them bet on who would win instead of trying to stop them. Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung couldn't believe it either while Seokjin and Jungkook thought it was hilarious.

"Shouldn't you try to stop them?" Yoongi asked, his voice laced with concern.

"They have always fought like this. So instead of stopping them we decided to make it fun."

"Who's the best here you little punk!" Love had her older brother in a choke hold and it looked like he wasn't breathing.

"Alright Love, don't kill him. Let him go." Love looked over at her biological dad and released him.

"Are they always like this?"

"Ha! This is the most well behaved they have been in a long time! So thank you Jungkook."

Jungkook looked over at Aila as she smiled at him. She looked so beautiful.

"Love, have you thought of boxing or wrestling?" Jungkook decided to take his attention and put it towards the young girl. His heart felt weird looking at Aila.

She nodded her head no.

"I think you should give it a try. You have a great stance." Love felt her cheeks heat up at Jungkook's complement.

Jungkook smiled at her reaction. He knew she idolized them, all of them did, but it was still very cute seeing their reactions. Even the two older boys would get red cheeks from time to time.

Aila looked over at Brian. Something was off. Even as he tried to hide it, she could see it in his face. He was a little too quiet. His smile wasn't as big.

"We have extra clothes we can lend you if you want to go in the pool Love."

"Really Mr. Yoongi?"

"Yeah I'll go get all of you guys something to wear." Yoongi got up and went inside. It felt nice to see them smile.

He gathered clothes from his and Jimin's. Got towels as well as sunblock. If they were going to go swimming they needed protection.

However he didn't have anything for Inaya or Giovanna. They were too small for their clothes to fit.

"I brought everyone clothes except for the two youngest. I don't think I have anything for them to fit."

"Thanks Yoongi. And it's ok. It's Giovanna's nap time and Inaya can just get in with her cloths." Nyala thanked Yoongi as she took what he had in her hands.

The kids rushed to their mother's side to pick and fight for the pieces of clothing.

"Here. I can show you guys where to change. And we have plenty of beds for Giovanna to lay down if you want to take her inside."

Maria took Giovanna in her arms as she and the rest followed Seokjin into the house.

"We are sorry about the disturbance we are causing."

"We love it. Really. It feels nice to have kids around the house. They make it feel alive." Jimin smiled his signature eye smile at Antônia.

"Have you not thought about adopting?" Nyala was curious about this. They could even they a surrogate if they wanted.

"We actually are. There's a single mother, she's having twins and she's having an adoption. We just so happened to file our paperwork at the right time. She's due in a month."

"That's amazing Taehyung. I'm happy for you guys? What's she having."

"She's having boys. We have been taking care of everything as soon as she signed the paperwork. We can't wait to meet them." Nyala smiled at the dreamy look on Taehyung. Namjoon looked the same as well.

"Wow. A house full of boys. How have you not burned the house down." Vannozzo shook his head. He would have died without his better half and by that he means his women, because Brian was no help.

"Yoongi and Seokjin. Namjoon's not allowed in the kitchen till this day." Namjoon pouted as Hoseok threw him under the bus.

"You guys never tried dating? Outside of being soulmates?" Antônia asked, throwing them out of the loop. She couldn't stop herself from asking such question.

"No.... Have you?" Hoseok hesitated to answer. Wasn't it obvious that the answer would be no? He had never met anyone to catch his attention.

Well, he should never say never. Not until recently.

Hoseok noticed how the smaller group of soulmates eyed each other and how Aila's cheek turned a light pink.

"We did try to convince this beauty to be with us," Nyala reached over and placed her hand on Aila's arm, slowly dragging it down along her smooth skin and stopping as she landed in her thigh, giving it a squeeze.

Vannozzo chuckled.

"We really did try, took her in a couple of dates, kissed under the stars. I thought we did a great trying to woo her into our group." Nyala kept rubbing small circles on her thigh, slowly going further up and up, stopping close to her core.

Hoseok looked and saw the dark haze Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook held. Their eyes darkened scrutinizing Nyala's movements.

The air felt charged with energy. They didn't like how freely Nyala was touching Aila.

Jimin felt something dark move in his chest. He wanted to reach over and take her hand off Aila. He wanted to be the one to have such history with her.

'No you can't think this way It's wrong'

"And then she met the father of the kids so we decided to step off so she could be happy." Nyala rolled her eyes.

Was there something missing?

"How did you all met?" Jungkook was curious. He didn't want to hear the answer. For some reason, he thought he wouldn't like it, but he needed to know how they became that close.

"Oh that's easy. Aila was my girlfriend."

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