Chapter- Eleven

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"Please take a seat. We will tell you the truth," Arthur spoke, gesturing towards the sofa behind us. 

Quinn tugged me to sit and I followed. Pushing the bangs away angrily- already annoyed and these bitches are making me irritated now. We sat down on the sofas with them staring at each other with rather odd looks. 

I can't trust them so easily. 

"Honestly, we never lied to you. We just didn't tell you in-depth details about our town and its rules. We differ from the city system and its rules and regulations. We have our system meaning our networking and security are different from the usual ones. We use different sims here and they are not operated anywhere in the city of this country. So the sims you two had no tower signal here because they don't work here except ours. So when you questioned my town members, they told you the truth because there was never an issue with our tower signal," Arthur explained to us like we were dumb children getting a speech from their parents. 

Quinn quietly exclaimed beside me but I remained unfazed. 

"We believe it was our fault for not explaining it to you girls earlier leading you to distrust us. But we mean no harm," Jazmine spoke up, placing one of her hands over Arthur's, making me narrow my eyes. 

It was a weird gesture. 

Or was I overlooking things? 

I don't know. 

"I need to see my car," I said, standing up leaving no room for further pleasantries. 

Arthur took a breath and shrugged his shoulders. Standing up from the chair, he gestured us towards the door. Alistair already had the door opened and was standing outside, looking at us with no expression on his face. But he focused his attention on me as I stepped out of the room and grabbed my arm gently, making me stop and look up at him. He lightly pulled me to him so that my shoulders were touching his chest, making me confused by his behaviour. But sure made my heart race with such little action. 

"Don't overthink, dear. We are not as bad as you think," he spoke, hazel eyes looking into my blue ones with so much intensity that I almost fell into their trap. 

"We will see," I said, gulping down the nervousness that I felt all of a sudden. 

Alistair gave me a smile with a nod of his head. Letting go of my hand, he nods his chin towards the rest going down the stairs. I found Cylon helping Quinn down the stairs, making me raise my eyebrow in question. 

He has been making advances towards her these past few days. Was this just a kind gesture or more? 

I guess I need to ask Quinn about this. 
Silently we followed the rest of them and fell in step with each other. 

"It's raining outside," Jazmine spoke, looking through the large window in the launch. 

Making all of us glance in her direction we all were greeted with a loud clapping of lightning and soon saw it ourselves. The electric blue lightning illuminated the dark room. 

Arthur turned back and threw a glance at me and Quinn. 

"Hand them the umbrellas," Arthur spoke, turning back to look outside the window. 

Jazmine blinked her eyes and shared a look with Alistair. It was a look of desperation. Making me raise my eyebrow at her. 

"Uh. Sorry girls. We don't have them right now, I guess the members took them," Jazmine spoke, inching closer to Arthur slightly nudging his arm and frowning up at him. 

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