Chapter- Two

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My eyes followed the steam that was originating from the hot cup of coffee that was sitting on the floor beside me.

It was a peaceful night. No noise, no crying of the babies in the building, no birds smacking their beaks on my window.

Just me and the sky full of stars.

Tightening my hold on the woollen blanket, i put my chin on my knees and just looked at the surroundings. With no thoughts in my mind or any worries.

Just blank.

That was the condition of my mind right now.

I felt good being in my own element, but at the same time, i felt lonely. I have been feeling werid ever since i came back from the horrible date. It wasn't like Elier was a horrible person. No, we didn't match and decided to be acquainted with each other.

After i came back alone, i had a sudden urge to drink coffee and sit outside on my balcony. I opened the cabinet to take out the cup, pouring in water. i put it in the microwave to heat it up. Jabbing the button and fixing the timer to 2 minutes, then i walked into my room and took off my clothes. I stood naked in my room, only holding my night suit in one hand as i stared outside the window at the sky. My heart felt heavy and unintentionally i sighed.

I had everything i wanted in my life. Stable job, money, happiness, friends.

The thing missing was my dead family and my life partner.

A father who never was there before or after i was born and an alive mother who is wallowing in her own surrow.

I don't know my mother's past even after begging mom and Aunt Susan. All I got in answer was I was too young to understand, and once i got older, Aunt Susan would tell me all about there it to tell. I still remember Aunt Susan, holding me in her delicate and warm arms and looking at me, surrow, and love.

My pretty baby, you just need to know how much your mother cares about you and wants you in her life. She doesn't hate you and is just going through a rough patch in her life.

I sighed, feeling my heart sink, i miss Aunt Susan.

Where are you, mom? Are you doing okay? Are you happy?

Sometimes, i used to call Aunt Susan mom. She was my second mother, who taught me how to be a confident, considerate, and caring girl.

With a deep sigh, i pulled myself to stand, grabbing the blanket along with me. Soft thump of my feet was the only sound that could be heard in the darkness as i threw my blanket over the couch and got under the covers.

Starting the new day, i followed my usual routine, which consisted of taking care of my washroom business, then preparing breakfast. Watch news while i eat my breakfast after i get done, i brush my teeth and change into fresh pair of clothes.

Simple routine.

Walking inside my studio, i nodded my head
in response to my employees' greetings. I found my assistant waiting for me at the door of my office. Upon hearing my footsteps, she hurriedly opened the door and nodded her head. Giving her a stern nod, i walked into my office. As soon as i put my bag down, my assistant Ivy started narrating my schedule for today. As she spoke, i had my front facing the mirror wall, looking out as sun rays bath me in its warmth.

"And that's all for today," she sighed at the end,
"Quite a lot," i chuckled and looked back at her to find her pouting.

Guess who wasn't leaving early today.

BETAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora