Chapter- Six

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A throbbing pain in my head, woke me up from my dream. My tongue ran over dry lips, i was thirsty. I need water.


Groaning with headache i opened my eyes and blinked slowly to clear my vision. I saw white ceiling a top of my head. Closing my eyes as the sharp pain erupted again. My mind went back to the dream i just saw. It was so weird and horrifying.

"Mackenzie! Mack!,"

The voice had my eyes snap open in confusion. The voice was similar to Quinn's.

Quinn! We were supposed to go on trip! Why am i still sleeping?

Pushing myself up into a sitting position and looked up to be startled to find what lied in front of me.

Quinn was sitting on a bed in front of me on the opposite side of the room. The odd thing was the bed wasn't the usual bed we have at home, it was a hospital bed. Her hands were chained to the rail /fence of the hospital bed. Looking around the room added to my confusion. We were in a hospital.

"What is going on?," Quinn asked, making me look at her. My forehead creased in confusion.

"What do you mean? Where are we?," i asked her a question in return, not understanding anything.

"Mack. Are you okay? Did you forgot?," she
questioned, eyes widening with fear.

For the first time i noticed a mini bandage on her forehead. Remembering the pain i felt before, trigged the pain again and made me hold my head.

But i couldn't raise my left hand.

What the hell!

Looking down i found my left hand was also chained to the fence of my bed. I found cuts and a bandage wrapped around on my forearm.

"Mackenzie. We were going on the trip and we encountered some strange beasts on the way and they attacked us. Remember!?," she asked more scared than me.

I just sat stiffly, looking blankly at her.

So... it was not a dream.



I was left flabbergasted. Quinn was still waiting for my answer.

"I remember now," i whispered and closed my eyes in shock.

"How did we come here?," i asked her, hoping she would know something. But she shook her head and pouted.

"But i do remember something clearly " she suddenly said, making my head snap at her.

"When we crashed, the wolf who was attacking us, fought with another wolf who came out of woods. The other wolf had black fur, it attacked the wolf and took him down. They both fought but the black wolf killed the other in an instant. During the fight, whenever the wolf who was attacking us, got closer to our car, the black wolf attacked it and dragged it away from us. It seemed like it was protecting us. After he killed the wolf, it came towards us- me. I was in shock from the accident and from the fight i just saw. I screamed and shake you like crazy but you were unconscious and i saw the black wolf approaching me. It sat down a bit far away from my side of the door and just looked at me. He neither attacked me or showed any threat. Then it stood up on its hinges; believe me what i will say next- because shit gets real. The wolf morphed into a male human being! I was shocked to my core and felt my soul left my body. Then i felt my vision blur and soon i was out cold," she explained. Her expression went from surprise to anger and then ended with confusion.

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