Chapter - Nine

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We were almost done with the food, especially me. I sat with my hands on my lap fidgeting. I can't help but be anxious among strangers. 

"Well pardon me. I had to go through your stuff to see your ID cards and any information we can get on you two. And it's safe to say, you are innocent in this incident," Arthur spoke, slightly tapping the corners of his mouth with a tissue. 

I nodded my head in understanding. 

"Where is my car and the rest of our stuff?" I asked him as we were being served warm tea. 

"Ah, your car. It was badly damaged so I already have some of my men work on it. And about your stuff, Jazmine had it all sorted out," He said, with a relaxed posture, and looked at Jazmine with a smile on his face. 

"Your car will take a few days to get in shape so why don't you stay here, with ease?" Jazmine spoke softly like she was being careful with us. 

Quinn looked at me and I watched her in silence. I could read her expressions and so could she. I raised my eyebrow at her to which she nodded. 

"Okay as it's only a matter of few. Well also, can we have our phones now," I demanded, now I have the upper hand to demand things from them. 

If they refuse to let us go or anything, then we have to run away and have the right to sue them. 

"Oh, your phones. They were broken when we retrieved them. I still kept them with me in case you ask about it," The leader said, with no remorse. 

What the hell? How did they break? 

"Do you have a cell phone? I want to make a call, it's important," Quinn said, with urgency in her eyes. It made me frown as to whom she wanted to call. 

"Yes we do have cell phones but sorry the signals are not working. The tower had some technical problems so the men are fixing them," this time Cylon said, looking at Quinn with a delicacy. 

Is this for real? First our car, then our phone, and now signals? 

"Are you kidding? One time is a coincidence, two times is a miracle but three times. Hell no. Are you keeping us here by force? It's against the law!" I stood up with anger, no longer able to hold it in. 

They all seemed to lean back with surprise, they were not expecting me to burst. 

This past week had me grinding and now this! It's too much for me! 

"Okay okay. Calm down. It's nothing like that-" 

"What do you mean calm down! I need answers this instant!" I cut the leader in between, my voice not loud but clear and hard enough to know I was not in the mood for any lies. 

"Please relax. We can sit and talk. We will answer all your questions honestly," Alistair said, his voice felt like cold water against my hot body. Cool like a breeze and soft as rose petals. It somehow got me to lose my temper and focus on him. 

How was he able to calm me down? It's probably the softness of his voice. 

I took a deep breath and sat down. 

"We are not holding you by force or anything. These things just happened in today's span, believe me," Jazmine spoke with a genuine smile on her face. But I still had some doubts. 

What can I do, i have trust issues. 

"It's okay. We believe your words," Quinn responded to her and made eye contact with me, nodding her head. 

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