Chapter- Five

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"One more," my voice sounded bored cause I was bored of Carlos's poor attempt at heavy weight lifting.

Carlos is a friend from my pack and has been arrogant since he challenged me to carry more weight than me, a few days back. But he failed pathetically yesterday in front of all the guys in the pack which deeply wounded his ego.

As it should.

After all a man has their man-ego and pride in their.... thing.

So after that shameful defeat, I felt bad for the lad and offered to train him more only if he wanted and not to challenge me again in the future unless he was strong enough.

After all, I was the Beta of this pack. I am not all big muscular man but was strong and buff as a guy in a rank should be.

Sitting on the flat bench beside Carlos, who was trying hard to lift merely 90 kg. I helped pick up the barbell and placed it on the stand as his arms started to shake.

"You dared to challenge me? Huh bro," I teased him, nudging my knee with his.

"I will train harder and beat you," He narrowed his eyes while wiping away the sweat from his face.

"Just stay healthy man. I am worried about you, you know," I said, playing with the water bottle cap.

Carlos suffered greatly from a recent rouge attack and almost was on the brink of death. Thankfully he recovered but he was left weak and fatigued. So I am happy to help him to get back on his feet. The match was just a joke between us and it only encouraged him to push harder.

"I am fine. Relax Mom," he said rolling his eyes.

"Okay Daddy," I said, putting my hand over his butt which he slapped away.

We chuckled and grabbed our bottles to chug at.

"Alert: we have come across a dire situation," Austin's voice rang in my head suddenly, making me go stiff and back to my role.

"Update," Arthur's voice rang next. Arthur was the Alpha of the pack.

Werewolves connect and communicate with each other through mind-link. It's like someone is talking to you through an imaginary phone in your mind.

"We have come across a rouge who has attacked a passing car of two civilians. Cylon, Russell, and Jose along with a few more wolves have reached the site and have undertaken the rogue,"

"Update about the civilians," Arthur's voice sounded cautious and alert.

"The car has crashed against the tree and we see no movement of them," Austin spoke,

"Uh Arthur, I think one of the girls might have seen me transforming back," Cylon spoke, sounding guilty for not being careful.

"Russell and Jose with the other two men bring back the rogue. Cylon and the other present carefully inspect the civilian's car and look for any signs of recognition of you. Search their car as well and update,"

I heaved a sigh and grabbed my shirt quickly.

Here goes my peaceful day.

"Did something happen?" Carlos asked, probably unaware of the situation.

You see we can talk to whoever we want only if they are either blood-related or your pack members. It is like we can control whom to project our conversations and whom not to.

"Nothing special. Man, I have to go. That's enough for today, go home and rest," I said, fist-bumping his bicep, and walked out of the gym.

I transformed into my wolf form. My wolf was big with dark brown fur with hazel green eyes. Wolves build vary among the members. The Alpha always has the biggest build, then comes the Beta and the warrior and then the size gets smaller until you reach a usual bit larger build than a wolf.

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