Chapter- Ten

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"This is our farm, where all the cattle are taken care off," Jazmine spoke, gesturing towards the farm house in front of us.

After we were done with introductions, Arthur announced he had some town things to look after along with Alistair and Cylon. Before leaving, Alistair took a glance at me and shot me a smile. It was that kind of smile where you could sense their warmth and sincerity. And here I was left confused.

Why was he like this with me?

Like what?

Like- flirting? No. More like making me feel comfortable. Yes this.

But why?

I was at battle with my own self when Jazmine told us that she will show us around the town and have a fun relaxing time here.

So here we are now. It sure was a nice farmhouse, located on the other side of the town, fully surrounded by greeny, fresh air and a small lake. Did i mention that a part of this town was located near mountain? Well yes, particularly the farm house was located here near the mountains. Usually the mountain's have visible steep and sloppy edges but here the mountains are fully covered with greenery to have the sloppy edges be invisible to naked eye. Adding more beauty to the place.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, feeling the cool air hitting my inside. It felt nice, making me bathe in it's coolness.

"You seem to like this place,"

I opened my eyes upon hearing Jamzine's comment. I turned around to find her looking at me, looking pleased.

"I like quiet places," I answered in a relaxed tone.

Nodding her head, she turned towards where Quinn was petting a goat. I also went towards them and found a baby goat in the ring where they were kept. The baby was so cute and had shiny brown fur. As if it could read my mind, the baby came running towards where i stood, it's long ears flapped around her face. I crouched to its level, stretching my hand and gently caressed her.

Annndd, yes before you question how did i knew if the baby goat was a male or female. I looked at its jewels. There... you have it.

So it was a her.

I might come as bipolar to you but trust me i am not. I am just an ambivert- a little more on introvert side- that has anger issues. Just like anyother introvert, my thoughts are way more interesting and funny than the words that escape my mouth. And i like it that way.

"Let's go. I have so much to show you," Jazmine exclaimed excitedly and looped her arms around Quinn and me.

The townspeople didn't stop and stare as they did before. This time they glance at us and talked in hushed tone. But one look from Jazmine and they would scurry away. We visited a small market where you could find clothes to food and household items. We ate a few things that Jazmine practically gave in our hands to taste their town's snack.

"They are not bad," Quinn commented, as she snapped her fingers- to get rid of the crisp- onto the now empty plate that she was holding.

"Hmm," I rather took a aggressive bite from the snack that i was eating which Jazmine bought for us. I felt my extrovert side leaving me alone with my introvert one. If you an ambivert you would understand.

We both now stood shoulder to shoulder and silently watched Jazmine who had big smile on her face and was ordering more snack for us.

I was now running out of my social battery. I had way too much of interaction for one day and now i needed my bed and my room. I could feel my bones jump in glee at the thought but the bubble burst as Jamzine shoved a plate full of another delicacy to my hands.

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