♧◇ Chap- 7

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"It's going to be okay. Don't overthink. We all will help you but we can't force her, you know. I will say leave it up to fate," Jamzine spoke, somehow comforting. 

Cylon nodded his head. 

"It is really cold tonight. Why don't I go and give something to keep them warm throughout the night? And also I am curious to see Cylon's mate," Jazmine said, wiggling her eyebrows at him to which he shyly smiled. 

"You know you are making me jealous," I said, pouting my lips. 

Arthur rolled his eyes but Cylon and Jazmine understood my joke and laughed. 

Probably feeling bad for me now. 

"I have a feeling you will find your mate soon," She says, tapping her fingers against her chin. 

I hope so. 

I commented internally, hulping down my emotions as i passed her a smile. 

"Sure sure. Take someone with you to the cell," Arthur advised Jazmine, caressing her hand which he held. 

"Cylon where are those papers that you guys found in their car?" He asked as soon as Jazmine was out of the room. 

Cylon pulled out a bunch of papers from his behind. 

Laying them on the central table, we all came around to examine the papers. Grabbing the nearest paper, i smoothed the ends of the paper which had gone rough with the passage of time and lack of care. 

"These are some designs I can recognize. Like a room/ home layout," I spoke, rotating the paper in my hand. 

"Here! These are the ones we were talking about," Cylon exclaimed, waving a few papers which were darker in color than the rest,  in the air. 

Arthur grabbed the papers and carefully spread them on the table after I removed the others- unnecessary ones. 

One of the papers had Werewolf written in the top left corner, with a cycle of the moon- from crescent-shaped to half-moon to full moon. Paw shapes and paw prints are drawn onto it along with its description. A few old writing was present that I couldn't comprehend what it was. Below it was a cycle of transformation- werewolf shifts into human and visa versa. A large wolf head was drawn where its skull was explained along with a human skull and its description. 

It clearly shows whoever had written this paper knew about our species well enough. 

Grabbing the other paper, I came across a large drawing in the center and ancient writing all around it. The drawing was a circle with a werewolf and human within one body drawn in its center. 

"This is sure suspicious," Arthur spoke lowly as he examined the papers. Cylon nodded his head making eye contact with me. I scratched my stubble as I processed the information. 

"Only with the drawing one could understand just enough. Though we are known to be mythical creatures to humans so they might have done some research on us, but I don't think I have ever seen such elucidation of werewolves before," I interjected, my forehead creased in confusion. 

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