Chapter- One

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Sighing, I leaned back into my chair, resting my head against the headset. My neck muscles were so taut that they felt like they were made of wood.

To design and gather ideas from your mind for something unique that will intrigue people, for hours is a tough job. Picking up my phone and opening the camera, I looked at myself. As I was lazy and tired to walk to the bathroom to see my reflection. I looked like a racoon with dark circles under my tired eyes. I haven't slept for whole two days!

Making a face at my reflection, I put down my phone not ready to face the reality of how I look today. I am very conscious when it comes to my dressing and look. Neat and presentable that's how I like it.

Looking down at my crinkled clothes, I cringed at myself. I was far away from looking neat and presentable today.

Whatever! I don't care.

I put my head down on my arm and shut my eyes for a while before any client comes. I must be deep in sleep that I didn't hear my phone ring, when I woke up I checked my phone to see a missed call from Quinn- my best friend.

Rubbing my eyes to wash the sleep from my eyes but as I did that, I remembered I had eyeliner on me.

"Shit!" Cursing, I rush to the washroom and was met with my expectation.

Half eyeliner erased and half present miserably alone on my eyelid. Sighing, I opened the tap and put my hand under the cold water enjoying the coolness of the water. Washing my face and quickly redid my makeup. Fixing the bangs on my forehead, I looked at my look. Short black hair cut in a bob style with bangs hanging neatly on my forehead, blue hue in my eyes were enhanced by the eyeliner, a light red lipstick staining my thin small lips. Moving my hand over my dress, I smoothed the creases and walked out of the washroom. As I sat down in my chair, my hand automatically reached for the nose pin on my right nasal ala to rotate the nose pin a few times, which was a habit of mine.

A message popped up on my phone from Quinn.

Hey, what's the plan for today?? You better reply to me right now. :|

Chuckling at her message, I typed in a message letting her know, I was free today before I get back to my work.

Thankfully my client liked my work and transferred money to my bank. Which made me sigh in relief. Being independent and living on your own is such a good feeling that you are no longer a burden on your family. Well, many people have a different opinion regarding this.

I was a certified home interior designer. Soon after my graduation, I was offered a job at a big decor firm. Gaining knowledge, experiences and money, I opened my own Studio. I had two teams, one who work closely with architects, civil engineers, mechanical engineers, and construction labourers and helpers to determine how interior spaces will function, look, and be furnished.

And the second team looks after the layout, specify materials and furnishings, such as lighting, furniture, wall finishes, flooring, and plumbing fixture. Create a timeline for the interior design project and estimate project costs. Place orders for materials and oversee the installation of the design elements.

It was getting difficult for me to handle all of the things alone and as I was looking for partners, i was offered to join my firm with another firm. Luckily, I managed to hit a jackpot. The other firm was run by Jack, who happened to be my senior in college. We joined our firms but not our studios, we chose a new name for our firm- Crafty Decor and kept running our studio, which was present in the same city under one firm. We both were the heads of our firm, Jack was the head of the 1st team and I looked after the 2nd team and sketching/ layout.

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