Chapter Thirty Five

Start from the beginning

Why didn't they say anything to me? This is severely important.

If they had it under control, Luca would have said something. But they're keeping me in the dark about it and that thought sinks in my stomach. I rub the patch between my brows, pain slowly growing there.

I read it once more before tucking the letter back into the envelope and slipping it into the drawer. I glance down, forgetting why I was here in the first place... right, the coffee machines. I need to find the paperwork.

My head feels heavy from the new information. I can't help but steal glances at Luca because he's been suffering with this and not once confided in me about it. They don't want me to help. Why is that? I don't understand.

I rummage through the drawer and find the paperwork I need and complete the work for today. Aris waves Luca goodbye before flashing me a small smile and hanging up his apron. I have to admit he's grown on me since I first met him, my jealousy couldn't hack the thought of him getting to spend a lot of time with Luca. I told myself I had to get a grip and grow up.

After the shop shuts I help Luca clean up the cafe and cash in the money, although my mind is elsewhere. I can't stop thinking over the letter. Not for a second do I shake it from my thoughts because I physically can't.

"Come to mine?" I say to Luca as he sweeps the floor.

He flashes me a small smile. "Sure but I want to pick the movie this time."

Hmmm. I don't think there is going to be a lot of movie watching.

"Alright," I smile gently.

We head back to my house and my fingers itch around the steering wheel. The journey is mostly silent but it's been a long day and I can see Luca's eyes almost shutting, with Aris around he's taken on a lot of the workload giving Luca some breathing space.

He's been getting better sleep when he stays at my house and nuzzles himself between my arms comfortably. But now when I look at him, I can't help but think he's been keeping things from me.

Does he not want me to worry? Because this has only heightened everything.

I will give him one last chance to come clean before I become frustrated.

We enter my house and I can't be bothered to cook anything so we order some pizzas from a family owned business down the road. I pour us both glasses of water before I pin Luca to the counter.

I cup the side of his face and tilt his chin, always forcing his eyes to mine. "If something was wrong, you'd tell me right?"

Luca blinks once, throat tenses. He nods. "Yeah, of course."

"You promise?" My brow raises.

I beg him in my mind to tell me, to open up, to fucking trust me. Why is he suffering alone with this? Don't lie to me. Please don't lie to me.

His lips stretch into a wobbly smile. When I think he's about to crack he nods. "I promise."

My heart shatters and my blood boils. "You'd never promise me something that you couldn't keep, right?"

I can't stop. I want to coax it out of him but I'm losing him in this conversation.

"No," he whispers and I resist the urge to close my eyes at his lies. "I'd never."

My eyes close and I rest my forehead against his. "Alright."

Our pizzas arrive and I watch him as he eats. I was disappointed before but now I'm angry. I'm fucking fuming. I can feel the blood heat beneath my veins and my jaw tense because I have seen the sadness in Luca's eyes for weeks.

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