Chapter - 26

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"Oh! Jungkook!" Hoseok muttered with wide eyes seeing the younger eventhough it's not so surprising to see him in the dorm. Today is a holiday too afterall.

"Did something happen hyung?" Jungkook asked breaking the silence. This is not how the environment is supposed to be in the Hobi hyung's presence.

"No! Why?" Hobi asked while flashing a nervous smile.  

"I also don't know why but since the day Tae came to live here you're moody! I know that you like Taehyung. Is this because how I talked to you on that day?"

"Nooo..Jungkookie! Please! Don't think like that about me! I love you and Taehyung both so much!"

"Are you still feeling guilty about what happened to Taehyung? At the cafe on that day?"


"We talked about this hyung! Remember! I always trust you with Taehyung!" Jungkook confidently muttered only to see his hobi hyung's tears.

"Seems like you are eating veggies as I told you. You became mature!" Hoseok uttered while dramatically wiping his tears with wide hand movements.

"Hyung~~~" Jungkook whinned like a kid and hugged Hoseok to deliver his message more. He knows about him,,,,his overthinking nature very well.

"What's your plan for today hyung?"

"Nothing much--"

"OKAYY!! Then come and join us. Me and Tae decided to paint our room!"

"Oh my!! What the hell happened to our Jungkookie!!?"

"Tae called my room lame! I wanna prove it wrong!" Hoseok chuckled seeing Jungkook's determined eyes and asked

"What's the colour?"

"I asked him! He told light blue!"



Jin's alarming voice scattered throughout the area making Jungkook and Hobi to look at each other and run towards the source. As they reached to the kitchen they saw Taehyung sitting on the same chair when Jungkook left and now surrounded by Jin and Jimin.

Jungkook quickly sprinted towards his lover and kneeled infront of him. He cupped Tae's cheeks only to see the latter's sweaty pale face with a nervous small smile.

"What happened bub?" Jungkook asked hastily. His wavering eyes and trembling fingers added more to his already racing heart with fear.

"I'm okay! Nothing happened!" Taehyung mumbled while panting softly and rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook looked at Jin and Jimin for the truth which they gladly ready to say.

"He was going to faint Jungkook!" Jin said while careressing Tae's head. He is still shocked with the thing happened.

"Don't worry! He didn't fell! We were there for him!" Jimin said seeing the teary eyes of Jungkook.

"Let me make some breakfast quickly!" Hoseok uttered to vanish the suspending silence only to hear

"I made! Let's go to dining table!"from Jin.

Jungkook lifted Tae up like a baby and made him sit on his lap in the dining table. Hurriedly he put some pancakes Jin prepared on plate and add syrup too with trembling hands. Jungkook's eyes are still glossy and it's not so hard to say that the latter is stressed. Taehyung worriedly opened his mouth while looking at Jungkook's eyes which are plastered on the plate.

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