Chapter - 3

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Lil introduction about Taehyung's character......

Taehyung tapped on the floor impatiently while biting his lips still looking at the old lady who is so busy in rummaging her bag to take out money.  Yesterday too the same thing happened. Customers began to come in this exact time making him frustrated and angry to the core.If this is another time Taehyung  will surely talk with her about whereabouts but now this is not the time. His teeth are also hurting as he is tightning them out of pressure seeing how time is going very fast. Suddenely his stupid brain got hit with the most obvious solution so he hurriedly walked towards the door and turned the 'Closed' sign up. He sighed with a faint smile and and landed a small punch on his head followed with a giggle. How stupid he is?

"I'm going kiddoo!!" The old lady kept the money on counter and left the shop after bombarding a train of waves and flying kisses to Tae. He is so popular among old ladies by the way. As the next thing Taehyung ran into his room to get ready to go to his most favourite one and only class. Actually Taehyung wasn't able to make it on time yesterday as customers came in at the same time. That's why he was restless earlier because there's no way he can miss that class,,,,especially his babies.

Taehyung is a very happy and contented guy who is living in this same building where his 'Flower cafe' is. This 'Flower cafe' is the ultimate dream of his mother and him. This is so important for him because of another reason too. Actually this is a precious gift from his dad who got divorced from his mother in his baby years. But his dad never was a typical bad divorced father. He always cared about him and his mother. His mother  took the divorce willingly. According to mom they didn't want to carry on their relationship without love. Taehyung doesn't know much details about it and never asked even. Their divorce didn't effect Tae as loosing his father. It was more like he gained another mom. His father's wife is also a very kind woman and they lived happily while taking care of each other within their limitations.

After some years his father had to go to abroad so before that he built this cafe for Taehyung not wanting to dump his son like that. He always made sure that Tae's future is okay. Just like how his father met his love , his mother didn't had that fortune. She got diagnosed with a serious disease and Taehyung lost her mostly because of the ignorance they had towards it. They just got to know about her situation after everything happened. It was a very tough time for Tae. He thought that he will never ever be able to face the world. It's like that he lost everything,,,,,literally everything. He didn't had any motivation, courage, help, assurance. It was just dark, cold and black. He was just ten years at that time.

Taehyung was able to come out from this pit after he began to talk with the sister in church that was located near their orphanage. He slowly began to see the beauty in the world and explored outside his shell.
His life motto is "There's so many beautiful positive things in the world. Why should we waste our life and time on bad things!!?" Just like that his attention greatly drawned by flowers. His obsession over flowers is so obvious as he named the cafe as 'Flower Cafe' and even completely turned it into a flower garden. He likes how genuine and pure flowers look. He loves how flowers are so different. According to him flowers are also just like people. Different  forms,,,Different  colours,,,,Different  tasks.

Sometimes his eyes glistened seeing the couples coming to cafe. He just wonders looking at them how is it feeling to have someone to share every little thing by side. He is so curious to know how is it feeling when loving and being loved. He wonders how someone became full of his/ her other half. He wonders how someone can smile and be happy just looking at his/ her love's face. He missed that feeling,,,feeling of being with someone. He is living alone for more than ten years now and he completely forgot how it felt. It doesn't like he never miss his mother. It's just he got adopted to this. He can't even imagine how people give their fullest in the name of love. Will he ever get a chance to feel it?

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