Chapter - 5

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"My angel cutie pie~~"Jungkook again cooed for the nth time reminding about the same person he is thinking about whole day. Jungkook and Jimin are on the way to their shop after successfully following another suspected student in the class. Mission is still ongoing and until now there's nothing special they found about the case.

"I got it man!" Jimin muttered having a small smile on his face. Jungkook's happinesss is really contagious.

"He neatly folded it and put it into his purse. That's my handwritting duh!"Jungkook explained the scene again that happened few hours ago with excitement. Jungkook placed that chit on Tae's desk after he saw his long face at the bus stop. He never saw his baby like that before.

"You finally decided to approach to him huh!?" Jimin asked with a slight smirk.

" I stayed away from him for his happiness. If he is unhappy like that I can't stay doing nothing!" Jungkook muttered.

"That's it! Finally you understood it! Just make him feel love."Jimin said loudly being proud about himself for saying such a golden sentence. Jungkook scratched back of his head with a shy smile promising himself to keep Tae happy as much as possible until he breathes. Kim Taehyung should be happy and loved as long as Jeon Jungkook is here.

"Let me help you bro!!" Jimin put his hand around Jungkook's shoulder with a dangerous grin and dragged him towards a certain specific place.

"NO!!!!!NO WAYYY!!!!! I CAN'T GOOO!!" Jungkook began to scream as his life is on the verge of death when a particular cafe shop came into view. He can smell Jimin's evil plan.

"You're not scared of murderers and blood but him!"Jimin yelled back feeling so done. Why is he acting so weird when it comes to Tae? Noone will ever beleive except Jimin that Jungkook has this type of personality within him too. Jungkook is the most talented and destructive and highly recommended spy to promote to the headquarters. Sometimes Jimin also feels small next to Jungkook except in these type of situations. Jungkook is really talented in everything.

"This is just different!!!! We should not do this!!" Jungkook muttered like a madman.

"You are not going to confess to him. We will just have a coffee and then leave!" Jimin explained so patiently.

"Noo!!! It's too much!!" Jungkook shaked his head refusing the idea strongly. Jimin being Jimin stopped pulling Jungkook and walked towards the cafe and entered to it. Jungkook gulped and followed the older behind not trusting Jimin's shameless flirtings. He has to protect his baby from these evil spirits.

As soon as Jungkook entered the cafe comforting aroma of flowers hit his nose calming him down. Jimin is already sitting while Taehyung is taking the order from him. Jimin looked at him with a cocky smile and signaled to come. Jungkook walked closer to Tae and went past him. He really smells so dreamy. Jungkook can't hide his blushy smile anymore so he gave up. Sitting closer to Taehyung is really something else.

"Make it two!" Jimin muttered with a beautiful smile. Taehyung too reflected the same simply making Jungkook dizzy and said

"Wait a bit!" and ran away. He is too cute. Jungkook looked at the busy Taehyung near the machine and sighed. He wants to live his life like this,,,,by always looking at Taehyung.

"Eww! What's that smile?"Jimin asked all of a sudden. Jungkook hurriedly stepped down back to earth and frowned a little. He doesn't like it when someone interrupt him and Taehyung.

"Don't do anything stupid. Just stay silent!" Jungkook warned in his deep voice.

"Yes my lord!" Jimin mockingly said and rolled his eyes.

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