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Flying away into a chair in the shadowy corner, Red Wings faced the wall, implying he had no intention of talking with them.

"Red Wings..." Tifa stepped into the room and switched on the lights. "I understand you don't wanna talk about it to us... you probably have a reason to hate us... but sometimes... talking about what bothers you makes you feel better..."

"I already told you. Stop acting as if you're my sister! You fake!" He bowled and tossed off the lamp on the table beside him with a violent flap of his wing. "It will get better, my foot!"

"At least try speaking to us... just try..."

"Tell you?! You lot are the reason I lost everyone! Everyone I ever loved! My sister! My parents! My people! All you know is to use! And that's why even now you're here! To use me! And I should tell you?! YOU?!!" Red Wings eyes widened with violent hatred as he moved his wings frantically around, spewing venomous words.

"That's not why I'm here!" Tifa snapped. "I came here because you are my friend, like it or not! I don't know your past, but stop assuming things! Please..."

"I'm not assuming things. This is the truth! Ask him! Ask your 'Lord' Veer!" He glared at Lord Veer. "He was not there then! But his ancestors were! And they did nothing!"

"My ancestors and the other Kingdoms did not have knowledge of such heinous act." Lord Veer folded his arms, unaffected by the accusation. "If we did, we would have—"

"Yeah right! Because you lot were 'busy' enjoying the lives you got by the help of my people! Korunga Kingdom! Elf Kingdom! Blood Kingdom! Moon Kingdom! All of you! Bloody manipulators and oppurtunists! My people — Agni Tribe! — helped you all to fight those horrid monsters and demons! And when it was our turn... When we wanted help... none of you came! You let us die at the die at the hands of those icy bastards! Shame on those cowardly bastards of Kingdon Frost..." He remembered as uncontainable rushed in streaks from his hateful eyes. "It is indeed a cold world... You help and then when you need help... nobody is there... it is just you... alone... Everyone knew the stupid prophecy: one Agni will burn down every last one of the Frost people! And nobody did anything! You should've known better! An attack was imminent!"

"I am extremely and truly sorry for your loss, Red." Lord Veer apologised, his sad eyes glistening with tears. "It is our fault indeed for not maintaining communication and ensuring your safety. I would not deny that for it is the truth. I apologise on the behalf of my Kingdom and the other Kingdoms. Your people are the reason Anigma flourished against the darkness back then. Your honourable tribe was the fire that lead us through the shadows. However... We do care and we would have helped if only we came on time... "

"Enough! Lies! Lies! And more bloody — lies!" Red Wings got angrier, his chest puffing savagely with his rageful breaths.

"We did come, Red." Lord Veer said. "But we were too late... By then, your home had been... buried in ice. We found no survivors."

"That's the most hurtful part! That's what makes me most angry..." Red Wings suddenly faced down with sadness. "My whole tribe died... I loved them... But even if you would have saved that one person... maybe things would be different... You thought that were no survivors! There were!"

"You?" Lord Veer asked.

"Me... and my sister... My elder sister... Kamala... She kept us alive with the last embers of her flame... under the ice, she managed to make enough space for us to survive and wait for help.  I was crying like the little child I was! She told me to hold on, to not lose hope... That someone will come to help us... She had faith on you! You! And when someone came, I heard those lazy bastards! The people you dispatched... DID THEY EVEN CARE?! They came, took a look for a while, and then just left! They didn't even check properly... Those BASTARDS!" After that burst of anger, Red Wings broke down, his wings drooped and his eyes closed. He started to whimper.

The Legends of Anigma: Ethiel Archer | ONC 2023Where stories live. Discover now