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"Ethiel." A voice called out to him. "Ethiel."

"Is he okay?" Came the voice of a little girl.

"He will be up in no time." A naughty, divine voice spoke.

On his forehead, Ethiel felt warm hands, sliding up and running through his hair. He heard himself groan as he tried to open his eyes.

The first thing his blurry vision captured was the silhouette of a big monkey like figure over him, against the warm blue skies lit brightly. He blinked till his vision became clear.

"He is awake." Lord Veer smiled and sat back.

Tifa’s cute, big head popped into view as she leaned over him, tears in her eyes. She seemed fine.

"Brother!!" She hugged him tight and dug her face into his chest.

"Tifa... you are okay..." He tried to move his arms but his muscles were in rebellion. But he wanted to hug her, feel her safe in his arms, so he moved his arm regardless of the pain and wrapped it around her.

"What do you mean I'm okay? Thank God you are okay! I thought you wouldn't wake up! And this sadistic spirit here has been scaring me saying you won't wake up!" She cried.

"Well, I like to joke. You should know that." The spirit spoke from somewhere.

"I'm alright... and I'm sorry..." He slowly got up, recollecting his strength. Lord Veer supported his back with his hands and helped.

A beautiful forest full of life surrounded him. The air was fragrant and the sunlight was nourishing. There was peace all around... finally.

"Ethiel..." Maya's voice eased his heart further. He found her sitting by his side, worried sick. "Thank God..."

He smiled at her, and then he remembered something very important. He owed him a big thanks. He turned and searched for Red Wings only to find him cold and silent, away from the rest of them, facing the skies.

"Thank you... Red Wings..." He called out to him.

Red Wings glared at him momentarily and then returned to his solitude. Something was different and off about him. In that glare, Ethiel was sure he saw tears.

"You did it, Ethu." The spirit said.

Ethiel looked over his shoulders. It was sitting in the air, cross-legged and nonchalant, impressed eyes looking at him.

"I am impressed. That's why I decided to reward you by fixing your friends." It grinned, and then it winked. "Just pulling your leg. I was going to do that. It is nothing extra."

Ethiel remembered and couldn't believe he forgot. All of them were in a very bad state, and presently they seemed alright.

"You guys... you're alright!" Ethiel looked at Lord Veer.

Lord Veer nodded.

"I did do one thing extra though, I took away the unnecessary things your little sister went through. She is a child after all. She shouldn't have been here in the first place." The spirit remarked. "But oh well, all happens for a good reason. She became the reason for your resolve. I didn't take away all of her memories though, she needs some of these experiences and pain to grow."

"I have no idea what that handsome spirit is talking about." Tifa said, scratching her head.

"Thank you... truly." Ethiel bowed his head to the divine spirit.

"I am divine — regardless of how sadistic I am — so what else do you expect?" The spirit shrugged.

"Wait... where is the fragment?!" Ethiel remembered.

"I have it safe in my custody." Lord Veer assured.


"You all did well. Even you, Red Wings." The spirit said.

Red Wings didn't say anything.

"I guess that spirit wasn't wrong to bless you. Don't prove me wrong later. The next trial will be harder. You won't get any favours, mercy — or even fair play. Even I will seem generous to you. So leave this forest now and prepare for what is next. You have my blessings, Ethiel Archer." It winked at Ethiel. "This is where we bid farewell. Come by sometime if you wish to see me? I mean, I will wait in this forest."

"If you won't make us go through these trials, then sure." Ethiel smiled.

"No guarantee on that." It smirked. "Now go, make sure you restore Anigma's peace."

"We will try our best..." Ethiel remembered the memory he saw before collapsing in the cosmic field, the one in which he failed.

The spirit squinted at him, almost as if it knew what he saw. "Do your best. Don't try your best."

"We will." He nodded.

And after paying the spirit of the forest respect and bidding it farewell, Ethiel and his group left the Forest of Temptations on their cloud of butterflies to return to their hideout and rest. Travelling through any other way was too slow for their mentally exhausted states, so none of them cared much about what the world will think if it saw them soaring through the skies.

The journey back was silent. Everyone but Lord Veer seemed to be lost in thoughts. The beauty of their surroundings rushed by, and while they did appreciate it, they couldn't truly do so. To Ethiel, everything he saw and experienced keep popping in his head. He was able to neutrally observe it all back in the cosmic field out of his love to protect Tifa. But since her safety was out of the question, the thoughts haunted him again. Especially that one in Anigma...

However, the one who was most silent was Red Wings. He gave weird and cold vibes, different from what he usually gave. He said nothing. All the time, he was in a corner, as far from the rest of them as possible, looking into the skies, his eyes reflecting how further his mind was. When he caught Ethiel checking on him, he glared coldly, making him return to his own business.

Once they were back in the mansion, everyone chose to spend time alone, contemplating things, trying to sort out their trauma, healing slowly.

Even the dinner time was silent. The food was tasty but the tongue tasted nothing for the mind was elsewhere, lost in contemplation. There was no talk, and Lord Veer didn't try to cheer them up. Maybe he knew they all needed time... and Ethiel knew one day wasn't enough for their mental rest... not after what they went through.

The Legends of Anigma: Ethiel Archer | ONC 2023Where stories live. Discover now