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Regardless of how bad he wanted to continue to the next fragment, Ethiel chose to rest for the day — Lord Veer was very convincing, and it only made sense to not overwork to only break altogether at once; rest was needed, especially since he and Tifa were new to risky voyages.

They found a well camouflaged spot in the desert to open the mirror portal and go back to Alice’s "haunted" hideout back in Earth.

All worn out and completely drowned in fatigue, they first freshened up. After, it was time to confront and calm the angry beasts in their empty stomachs. The cook was none other than Lord Veer himself and his assistants were Tifa and Maya. When the cooking was finished, they all sat in a room and tended to their hunger.

The smoking aroma let itself drift freely about and it was mouth-watering. More impressive than the aroma was the taste — it was just ecstasy. That was the first time Ethiel and Tifa got to eat food cooked by Lord Veer himself. Never did they think that his cooking were as incredible and pleasant too. He literally had magic in his hands. The non-veg dishes were done by Maya though since Lord Veer was a vegetarian.

For the first ten minutes or so, there was no talking, just the sound of food being chewed and scarfed down, soup and drinks getting sipped and slurped, and the clanking of spoon and forks on platters — everyone was that hungry.

Then at last, Red Wings' tongue slipped and buried secrets made their way out of the grave dug by egoistic pride.

"This is the best thing about Veer, aside from everything else." His eyes became round and his face became embarrassed immediately after those words sneaked out of his mouth. He choked on his food. "I mean — everything else — it's just unpleasant!"

"Sure," Tifa grinned at him with a mouthful. "I believe your lies, don't worry!"

"I am not lying!"

"Satiated hungry stomach," Lord Veer amusingly took a graceful bite of banana, "You have no idea of its effects."

"Despite being a meat lover, you are eating King Veer’s dishes more than mine!" Maya pointed her finger at Red Wings, a mocking smile spread across her face.

"Well blame your bad cooking!" Red Wings started making unreal lies.

"Give me back my dishes right away then!" She held out her palm in demand.

"I have my needs!" Red Wings pulled his meat plates closer swiftly with his wings. "And you all just made me exceedingly tired today! Now let me eat!"

"Sure my cuddly birdie! Let him eat everyone." Tifa laughed.

"Really though," Ethiel swallowed his morsel, "this food is unrivaled! This beats all other food! Even those fancy restaurant food! You're amazing Lord Veer! Hungry stomach and this exhaustion makes it even tastier, oh God!"

That food is exactly what they needed after everything they went through that day; it was nourishing and refreshing.

For almost an hour and more, they ate joyfully until drowsiness finally weighed over them.

In that big mansion, there were only two bedrooms — or at least those were the only ones that remained as bedroom since others had been turned into rooms for research and the sort by Alice — one in the ground floor and another in the top floor. The one in the ground floor had a King sized bed and Tifa fell in love with it. She shared it with Maya. Naturally, the other one with two separate beds became Lord Veer and Ethiel’s room — Red Wings decided to sleep on the comfy sofa by the long window of the room in an attempt to escape from Tifa.

The beds were very fine and everyone slipped smoothly into sleep. Sweet was the slumber after savouring so satisfying a splendid supper.

But for Ethiel, that didn't last long...

The Legends of Anigma: Ethiel Archer | ONC 2023Where stories live. Discover now