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Having decided to embark on the quest, Ethiel mustered the strength to open the next video. In it, Alice explained to them the reason of why they had started seeing ghosts after her death.

Being half Anigman, he and his sister had an ability to see the paranormal side of the world. However, in their infancy, their mother had used a magic on them that didn't allow them to see anything paranormal. In addition, she had even given them a potion that made their Elven facial features look more human and normal to the people of Earth. The potion was permanent, however, the magic to shut paranormal vision lost its effect when Alice was killed.

Despite the magic used, their mother still felt how remarkably strong they both were. Ethiel would've made an excellent Archer, that was evident from his sharp reflexes, eye sight, and extraordinary stamina and strength. Tifa on the other hand, as per Alice's predictions, would've made an excellent sorcerer since her spirit power was high and her level of understanding and perception of everything was leagues above the children of her age.

Therefore, in the weapon cases that Lord Veer had, there was a finely crafted bow and arrow for Ethiel and a highly powerful magic staff assembled by the strongest sorcerers of Anigma for Tifa - in addition, there was a sorcery book in there to learn from as well. Along with the weapons, there were two, tiny and fancy glass bottles filled with a crystal clear, blue liquid. One bottle was for Ethiel and the other one was for Tifa. Alice had extracted her own skills of archery and sorcery into the liquid. To boost the efficiency, she had asked some of the finest archers and sorcerers of Anigma to imbue the liquid with their own skill memories too.

"Before you set off for this quest, you need to be ready for everything," Alice said. "Lord Veer, please hold the divinity ceremony for these two, and during the ceremony give them the potions. And please train them well to use their skills efficiently and as swiftly as possible. It is very necessary. Once ready, open the next video, Ethiel. I shall tell you where to find everything I've left regarding the Pyramid. The password is your favourite meal. See you in the next video, my children."

With that the video came to an end again.

It was midnight. Ethiel asked Lord Veer if they could've performed the said ceremony then itself, but Lord Veer explained how the ceremony was very auspicious and better done during daylight.

It was decided that the ceremony was going to be held the next day. Lord Veer even postponed the announcement of Alice's death for the next day. He also needed some time to think of certain matters in detail in order to act in the best way possible in a situation so fragile.

Meanwhile, Ethiel and his sister thought it would be better to head back home for rest until the next day before Matt finds out - in the most unlikely, close to impossible, scenario since his ass was busy being an ass.

Maya took out the folded mirror and unfolded it again in her small cabin. Before Ethiel and Tifa left for rest, she even explained to them how the mirror worked and the patterns used to fold and unfold it.

As soon as they were back in their home and the portal closed, fading out the image of Lord Veer and Maya smiling and waving their hand, everything felt so... empty.

Silence surrounded them, the soft shafts of dim blue light of the night leisurely entering room laden with books. In the silence hung a faint disturbance which could be traced downstairs; it was Matt and his nonsensical music marathon.

"Let's get some good rest, tomorrow is a big day." Tifa said, her mind somewhere.

"Yeah." Ethiel looked at the mirror, thinking of everything that had happened until then, thinking of what was going to happen from then on, excited and afraid. He thought upon his choice.

"Don't have second thoughts 'cause of me. If you back out, I will do this anyways. Let's do this together, brother." Tifa looked up at him, confident and sure.

He nodded, "You're the only reason I'm worried."

"I will be fine. I have you."

He sat on one knee, pulled her close, and then he hugged her tightly. "Thank you for being you. Let's make everything as it used to be, sister."

She hugged him back. "For sure!"

That night, Ethiel slept with some peace, something he had lost completely ever since Alice died... but that peace didn't last long.

He found himself in a breezy, grass field, standing as his eight year old version. The skies were clear and the sun was warm. It was beautiful. He looked around.

Suddenly, he froze... he saw his mother standing a little away from him, her back facing him. Some feeling in his heart said that she was sad.

"Mom!" He cried out to her.

She got startled as if she was delighted. She turned on her heels, those eyes full of bliss as soon as they landed on him.

"Ethiel! My heart!" She cried in joy, her hands reaching out to him.

He heart filled with happiness as he started running to her, arms open wide.

But then...

The land between them trembled and tore apart. The gap was a dark abyss that seemed to have no end.


"Mom! What do I do?!"


The skies became red and dark clouds gathered. Like a volcano, the ground under Alice erupted and she disappeared in the flames with a scream.

"Mom!" The burning heat forced him to step back.

Everything was in fire all around.

"Don't leave me..." He started to weep, falling hopelessly on his knees. He was grown up again.

In the fire, he saw a black monstrous shape emerge, a shape so gigantic and terrifying that his voice abandoned him.

Those red, evil eyes were all that was visible; everything else was pitch black and engulfed in violent flames. Those eyes, they were smiling at him, threatening him of annihilating everything and everyone he loved.

Its crooked, scary hand came for him.

"No!" Ethiel screamed and sat up on his bed, shaking and sweating with fear.

He was in his room. It was a nightmare.

"Are you alright?" A kind voice asked him.

He looked to his side. A normal-sized monkey was sitting on his desk, looking at him kindly.

"Who asked?"

"Me," the monkey replied and smiled. "I may have not told you, but I am capable of turning into a monkey; it is something all my ancestors were capable of."

"Lord Veer?"

The Legends of Anigma: Ethiel Archer | ONC 2023Where stories live. Discover now