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The password worked. The video opened. Alice was again in the screen, relentless with her futile efforts of masking her soul-aching state with a smile.

Lord Veer whispered her name, a bit despondent.

“Hello everyone, we meet again.” She began. “Thank you, my children, for coming this far. Now, to tell you what your father discovered and how it led to my death.”

Ethiel was on the edge of his seat as soon as she said that.

“Since your father was an archaeologist, he unearthed great many things. In one of his expeditions, he stumbled upon something so important – a gift to the mortals by the divine, a last resort if things ever got out of hand. He found age old scriptures that spoke of a divine artefact known as the Pyramid of Lomeyin. It was exactly like the Sphere of Hezwond, capable of granting three wishes to the finder. Even after I ignored it, he kept up the research and found more things related to it. When I chose to continue his research, I came to know that there are three parts of it scattered across Earth and Anigma. When these parts are put together, the divine spirit of Lomeyin presents itself to grant the three wishes. It wasn’t easy but after much effort I managed to find where these parts of the Pyramid were.

However, that wasn’t the only problem. Once I started to work on this, I even came back to Anigma to evaluate the situation and plan the steps. If the device Rak Sharas had was capable of tracking down anyone who posed a threat to him, then by that time, with this information in my head, I was a threat who was getting closer to killing him with each step; surprisingly, I was alive. The only conclusion I could draw from that was that the device had its limits. By tricking foolish criminals into trying to kill Rak Sharas, analyzing the results, and with more strategies, I learnt more about the device. It was only capable of tracking down the threats when they were 4 to 5 days away from being an actual threat. It even tracked down people who weren’t a threat by themselves but were a threat in the sense that they started a sequence of events that could’ve been harmful to him. And he got that device when he wished that no Anigman could’ve ever killed him; this made me think that if it only worked on the people of Anigma. Hence I used criminals from Earth to try and get him killed. They never made it past the security, but the device didn’t track them; I was right. Now I wanted to see if this device was capable of tracking people who were half Anigman. Surely, I wasn’t the only Anigman who travelled to Earth and started a new life; there were more. Some even had off-springs, like me. Of course, they were hard to find, but I am a master of magic so I figured out a way. I convinced the evil ones I found to intend to kill Rak Sharas and even gave them something that could’ve actually harmed him if not kill him. Once again, the device failed. As for the off-springs, they were killed. And if you’re wondering why I always used criminals for my experiments, that’s because I don’t regret sacrificing monsters in order to kill another monster, even if it isn’t the right way.

With all this information and more, I started planning ahead.

I went in deep with my research about the Pyramid. I tried to make everything as less hard as possible. Along with that, I was also planning everything ahead so that I no moment shall be wasted when my research was complete. It took me years, but I completed the research.

My plan was to make a team, led by someone who couldn't be tracked by the device. The only Anigmans I trusted and knew were skilled warriors were Mr. Veer and Maya. So I decided to enhance their powers. Maya, the Blessed Blood i gave you is for this quest. Mr. Veer, I already gifted you the Divine Water of Heavens in our last meeting. I also gave you two weapon cases, meant for the people who were going to be the center of the quest. The people who I decided to be the centre of this quest, after great thinking, are my own children – Ethiel in particular.

Mr. Veer, this quest can't be given to just anyone. I have nobody else on Earth whom I trust, not even a half Anigman. But Ethiel and Tifa, they are half Anigmans born with a pure heart and great potential; it almost feels like it was a play of fate that I came to Earth in the first place. So yes, they will be the ones who will be using the Pyramid of Lomeyin to wish for the death of Rak Sharas, to wish for the end of his monsterosity.

And so, with everything done, I left the breadcrumbs for them to follow, if that's what fate chose them to do – they being here means it already has. I knew I was going to die as soon as I decided to tell them and indirectly begin the quest to finish Rak Sharas. That's why I left the breadcrumbs before I completely finished finding the parts, so that the device won't start tracking me.

After completing these series of videos, I'm going to try and hint it to them. And I'm sure that when I do, I will be tracked down, and the minions of Rak Sharas will kill me – it will be his right hand man, Chief General Dauk; he is the one who mostly killed the others the device tracked.

Ethiel and Tifa, I’m sorry to have chosen you to be the ones to complete what I’ve started, to be a part of this dangerous path. I'm sorry for choosing you to fulfill my responsibility. And my dear children, me choosing you doesn't mean you have to; it is your choice. You can hate me all you want... you can regret me... I deserve it... But please... save my world... save my people... they need you...

Please take it as my last dying wish..."

Alice looked away from the camera at that point, helpless and conflicted. She turned back to the camera again.

"If you have chosen to save Anigma, then the password of the next video is your father's birthday. And remember, even if you don't, it doesn't matter to me... I will still always be proud of you. I will always love you."

She smiled again, watery eyes maybe remembering what was; the dilemma was clear on her face.

"As a princess, I hope to see you in the next video... But as a mother, I hope you don't open the next video."

The video ended.

Ethiel heard Tifa cry again. More than that, he heard his own internal screaming. His emotions had gone berserk.

"I've never seen someone so confused." Red Wings remarked and flapped across the room, away from them. "You want me to be a part of this, Veer? I can tell now itself – this is a lost battle."

"Just shut up!" Maya bowled. "Can't you see they are in pain?! Have a heart for a change – if that's even possible!"

"Why should I care? Their own mother doesn't–"

"That's enough." Lord Veer silenced him.

"He is right." Ethiel said, tears coming out of his angry eyes.

"Ethiel?" Maya looked at him, worried.

"First she leaves us – completely cuts us off – all for her world. Then after years, I get to know she got murdered. I find these things she left for me, and I foolishly follow it hoping I'd find answers that would maybe make me feel better or something. What I find in the end is that she wanted me to risk my life – and even the life of my little sister, Tifa – all for a fight that isn't even ours. She leaves us these weapon cases? Just what is this, huh?!" He slammed the laptop shut and started to take in heavy breaths.

"Ethiel... I..." Maya didn't know how to console him.

He rose up in a flash, red hot, and started striding furiously towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I wanna be alone. Please."

"Ethiel, wait–"

"Maya," that was Lord Veer’s voice, "give him some space."

"Ethiel..." Tifa called out for him.

"I'm sorry..." He didn't stop for anyone and left the tree house.

The Legends of Anigma: Ethiel Archer | ONC 2023Where stories live. Discover now