Part 16:

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    At this point I was at a boiling point with one foot out the door. I was determined to leave on good terms.   Giving Devin the ultimatum that Dillion had to go or me.  Just when I thought things were moving forward, I would return to Devin's home to find him siting in the bed with yet another character.  Having this underwhelming feeling that it was some kinda meth'd out version of a casting couch. 
   Devin aside, Ryan Roseberry was a pretty cool dude.  Once again that routine of saying he was straight proved to be less and less true by the day.   Although I had been jealous before all I wanted in this attempt at a relationship with Devin was honestly.   Instead it was met with " you are crazy." 
   One night we had planned to hang out and listen to music and socialize with Roseberry.  Roseberry would come over and express that he needed to get his phone charger before we listened to music.   At the time he would have to use my hotspot due to his inability to maintain his phone data coverage.   I would advise that he should run and grab it to let it charge while him and Devin walked to the gas station to pick up some cigarettes.  His apartment being practically next door within walking distance.  He would insist on waiting until after. 
   Once they returned from their walk to the gas station. They would run into Roseberry's uncle whom returned with them.   It was the 4 of us hanging out until Roseberry goes to leave to retrieve his charge.   His uncle would instinctively get up to with him and that's when Roseberry would stop him and say he was returning.  But take Devin with him!!
  They returned 30 minutes later to retrieve a charger that was practically next door.   Devin's demeanor when returning was painfully obvious due to the fact he had half a hard on with a pre-cum stain.   He was walking as if he was holding in something.  Immediately getting up to ask roseberry for a cig that he just purchased to see only a few left.     I'm standing up in assessment of the situation.  Devin then looks at me and goes " Ryan are you okay?" I say yes.  To the restroom he went.  It was like he was checking in with me before he needed to clean himself out in the restroom and aware that I would know.  It wasn't like I wasn't trying to communicate with him in the healthiest ways possible.    Full transparency I wouldn't care that he was sleeping around because I just wanted honesty.   Not to be gaslit into thinking I'm crazy.  
  What was happening is he was being penetrated regularly by criminals in town.  All while manipulating me in believing that he couldn't be penetrated due to being raped.  He would cry in front of people like his landlord of how painful it was not to be normal and only being able to give blowjobs.   If he didn't want to be with me why wouldn't he let me go on good terms? 
   When confronting roseberry he wouldn't confirm or deny what I asked.   Instead he would lash out at Devin saying that he would pressure him into smoking meth.   How I understand it because he always asked for it and that statement didn't make sense.   My understanding was that Devin would use meth as a tool for arousal and prey on the vulnerability of these straight men.  Guilt of what he had done with Devin would result in him to stop communicating with him.  
  A angry devin would look at me as he walked out the door. "I'll beat the fuck out of you"  slamming it behind him.   In response I would look down at his bubbler on the floor.   I would kick his meth instrument with all the force of scoring a touch down with glass shattering everywhere.    Every bit of violence Devin attacked me with;whether it be verbal or physical I would retaliate by targeting what he loved most.  METH.   Destroying the problem at the source which only angered Devin more.  What is a predator without his tool of entrapment?  Because that's all anyone wanted when they visited him. Without it, nobody was interested in him for him.

But me. 

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